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being faithful to god


Waiting and Ready

For Joseph, time probably seemed to have stopped. He had done nothing wrong, yet he found himself…

Your Assignment

In the wilderness, each Israelite was given an assignment. No one was left out. And every task was…

What Belongs to Others

It is natural for us to want our own possessions. It’s understandable that we would seek to be…

Faithful and Obedient

Throughout his life, Ezekiel sought to follow the call of God, regardless of his personal feelings.…

Ready When God Speaks

It seemed to Lou Gehrig that he would never have a chance to play baseball regularly for the New…

God’s Principles

The prophet Elisha often visited Shunem (in northern Israel, west of the Sea of Galilee). During…


God’s instructions to Aaron and his family were direct and clear. He told them what they were to do…

God’s Sovereignty

Just think of all that is packed into these verses. They hold not just information, but…

All You Do

In 1940, Gregory Petrov was in a Siberian prison camp. Like many, he was confined because of his…

Living for God

The people of Pompeii were busy—conducting business, building houses, pursuing pleasures, living as…