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Daily Devotional
Jesus in Your Heart
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in.” – Revelation 3:20 NKJV
During a lifetime spent serving God, Leila Morris wrote more than a thousand songs and hymns. Born in 1862, she kept writing even when her eyesight began to fail.
One of her most memorable hymns was written in 1898 while she attended a camp meeting in Mountain Lake Park, Maryland. She heard a powerful sermon focusing on repentance. Leila watched as a sophisticated woman responded to the invitation, kneeling in prayer. As the woman clearly was struggling, Leila joined her at the altar.
Inspired by the words of that sermon, Leila told the woman, “Just now your doubting give over.” She heard the song leader encourage the congregation, “Just now reject him no more.” And the minister urged, “Just now throw open the door.”
Reflecting these words, Leila told the kneeling woman that she just needed to “let Jesus come into your heart.” Those words became the title of a hymn.
She wrote, “If you are tired of the load of your sin, if you desire a new life to begin, let Jesus come into your heart.” She knew that He could change lives and cleanse every sin. She prayed, “reject Him no more,” and simply “throw open the door.” He will fill a void that “this world never can fill.”
Today, millions of people need to hear that message. Make sure that Jesus is your Lord. Pray that God would use you to reach souls for Jesus.
Father, thank You that Jesus has come into my life. Transform my life. Use me to impact others with the Gospel. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Extended Reading
Revelation 3