Inspiration Ministries | Daily Tools to Grow Your Faith!
Daily Tools to Grow Your Faith!
Obedience to God
Father, give me a glad heart. Fill me with joy and gratitude. Take away my fears and doubts. Help me to trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today's Bible Reading
Proverbs 15
Hope When Parenting Is Hard
Looking down at the two young children clinging to my pant legs, the elderly woman remarked, "When they are little they step on your toes. When they are grown, they step on your heart." I looked at her in horror. "Don't tell me that," I thought. "That would mean everything I'm going through, pouring my life into my children is all for nothing."…

Your God Is Better Than You Imagined
God is all the hope we need for ourselves and our…
Black History Spotlight: George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver was a scientist who…
The Hope Habit
Whatever challenges you're facing, hope is the anchor that holds you steady.
Whatever challenges you're facing—whether in your relationships, health, or spiritual walk—hope is the anchors that holds you steady.
In the Disruptions of Life, Christ Wins
Though disruptions come, we can know that Jesus is for us and for our salvation. And if God is for us, who can stand against us?
Where Hope Truly Lies
The Lord reminds us that there is only one true source of hope and one steadfast foundation that can withstand life's storms—God's Word.
Homeless in a Tent
You can talk about breakthroughs, the power of God, and the blessings, but before you can have a relationship with Jesus you must have hope.
Because of your financial seeds to fulfill the Great Commission through Inspiration Ministries, almost five million people said YES to Jesus through our evangelistic outreaches in 2024!

The Power to Change
There are many people today who feel like they are stuck in their ways and they don't know how to change. There is good news...
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Latest Inspiration
Choosing Hope When Life Seems Hopeless
God promises that if you keep the words of His covenant, you will “prosper in all that you do” (Deuteronomy 29:9). And as you are blessed, you can BE a blessing to others.
Prayer Closes the Jaws of Lions
Like Daniel's test in the lion's den, the Lord tests our mettle to ensure that when He blesses us our faith is strong enough.
When Your Hope Must Wait
It is difficult when your hope must wait, but God always gives His children His promises. His timing is not ours, it's His, and right on time.
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God Is Faithful Despite Our Flaws
Take note that you, the reader, benefit from knowing the outcome and recognizing how Delilah was setting Samson up. You might wonder how he could have been so blind.
Living on the Promises: God Accepts You
NOTHING you have ever thought, said, or done can stand between you, and God unless you choose to use those things as a reason to reject Him! God’s acceptance is always available, and it is the…
Black History Spotlight: George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver was a scientist who discovered hundreds of uses for things like the peanut and soybean.
Teaching the Gospel of Free Grace in Jesus
Maybe teaching the Gospel of grace still just feels wrong. Well, of course it does. The good news is ridiculous by the world’s sensibilities. It violates all we know about how to force sin-trapped…
Black Pioneers of Business in America
American history has many inspiring stories of notable Black American leaders. Read stories of Black leaders who made a difference across America.
A Raiders of the Lost Ark Devotional: The Treasure Worth Seeking
The Word of God and the souls of people—these are treasures we should seek. How do we dig and seek more revelation from God?
Beth Praed and the Hope That Comes with Disease (Part 1)
Defying her doctors, Beth Praed has lived a lot longer than her doctors believed possible after her near-death experience at the age of 10.
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Children’s Book Addresses Bullying
Bullying hurts. Amy L. Burgard explains how her book "Lift" brings love, identity, forgiveness, and thankfulness to children being bullied.
The Color of Compassion
Seasons of suffering are not for nothing. They will grow, shape, and soften you, but they will also allow you to experience God’s comfort and compassion.
God’s Equation for Marriage
Two equals one is God's equation. In marriage this means you are not two but one—not competing with each other but celebrating one another.
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