Inspiration Ministries | Daily Tools to Grow Your Faith!
Daily Tools to Grow Your Faith!
Victory in Depression
Father, I entrust my life to You. Thank You for being with me and providing for me. I praise and worship You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today's Bible Reading
Psalm 42
Unexpected Blessings
It all started when Matthew was eight years old. At a church service one evening, he made his first big financial decision: to give 10% of his allowance to the Lord. That seemingly small choice began his journey of financial faithfulness—recognizing God as the true owner of everything he has. Much has changed since that evening. Matthew became a…

Black Women Entrepreneurs in American History
American history has inspiring stories of notable…
Dave Says: Guide Them, but Let Them Learn from Their Mistakes
As parents, it's hard to see our kids make…
What Will I Have to Give Up to Become a Christian?
Do you have to give up anything to become a…
The Hope Habit
Whatever challenges you're facing, hope is the anchor that holds you steady.
Whatever challenges you're facing—whether in your relationships, health, or spiritual walk—hope is the anchors that holds you steady.
In the Disruptions of Life, Christ Wins
Though disruptions come, we can know that Jesus is for us and for our salvation. And if God is for us, who can stand against us?
Where Hope Truly Lies
The Lord reminds us that there is only one true source of hope and one steadfast foundation that can withstand life's storms—God's Word.
Homeless in a Tent
You can talk about breakthroughs, the power of God, and the blessings, but before you can have a relationship with Jesus you must have hope.
Because of your financial seeds to fulfill the Great Commission through Inspiration Ministries, almost five million people said YES to Jesus through our evangelistic outreaches in 2024!

The Power to Change
There are many people today who feel like they are stuck in their ways and they don't know how to change. There is good news...
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President of Joyce Meyer
Ministries/Hands of Hope
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Hope in the Midst of Chaos
In the midst of chaos we face uncertainty. We need hope now. We all want to know that things are going to be OK. Trust in God, He'll never leave us.
Intimacy with God
The intimate place is a safe place, one of power and transformation, where you learn real love. Spend time learning true intimacy with Him.
Dave Says: Hope Is a Good Thing
Have you done something stupid or wrong in the past that is still haunting you today and stealing your hope? Learn from it and move forward with hope.
You May Have Missed!
Think about your habits and the patterns that you have allowed in your life. Remember that, with God’s help, you can change. He can transform your life.
Finding Hope: Abundant Help
Why is it that we turn everywhere else but God sometimes for help? For He promises to be that help to us in those tight places.
Hope in the Midst of Chaos
In the midst of chaos we face uncertainty. We need hope now. We all want to know that things are going to be OK. Trust in God, He'll never leave us.
Unison Parenting #7: How to Proactively Parent
Proactive Parenting is when parents come together to create a framework with core values, rules, and consequences and rewards.
Dave Says: Guide Them, but Let Them Learn from Their Mistakes
As parents, it's hard to see our kids make mistakes, but we should try our best to turn these failures into teachable moments.
‘I Love to Tell the Story’
“I Love to Tell the Story,” written in 1866 by A. Katherine Hankey, is a song about faith, hope, and love for God.
I’d Concluded My Life Was Over
After breaking his neck, Mario DeMatteo thought his life was over. Although we may suffer, God is helping and teaching us how to glorify Him.
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Join Gracie B and her friends in learning about faith in a fun way.
He Is the Father to the Fatherless
Looking for acceptance from your earthly father? Find it with your heavenly Father because Jesus is interested in you and He chooses you.
The Simple Difference: Kindness in Crisis
In today's world, a little kindness can go a long way in making a difference in someone's life. Be creative. Be simple. Be bold. Be intentionally kind.
Children’s Book Addresses Bullying
Bullying hurts. Amy L. Burgard explains how her book "Lift" brings love, identity, forgiveness, and thankfulness to children being bullied.
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Investing in Inspiration Ministries means investing in your eternal account! For every $100 given to our evangelistic outreaches, we’ll be able to tell 2,500 people the Good News of Jesus. For every $1,000 donation, we can share the Gospel with 25,000 people – in….