Inspiration Ministries | Daily Tools to Grow Your Faith!
Daily Tools to Grow Your Faith!
Fixed and Defiant
Father, I humble myself before You. Teach me. Guide me. Shape my life according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 5
Walking by Faith, Not Sight
For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 You’ve probably heard it said that seeing is believing. When it comes to faith, however, that couldn’t be more wrong. We’re called to believe without seeing. We are to trust without knowing or understanding how things will play out and to step out into the unknown without being able to…
Your Praise Breaks Chains!
As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, let us remember the power of thankfulness and praise to dramatically transform us and set us free.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, we should remember the power of thankfulness and praise to transform us and set us free.
Your Praise Breaks Chains!
As we celebrate Thanksgiving this month, we should remember the power of thankfulness and praise to transform us and set us free.
Trusting the God of Covenant
When our Father makes a promise, it's completely reliable. Despite the turmoil and uncertainty in our world, He remains “Faithful and True.”
From Flatline to Favor
Although Karen was told her son wouldn't make it through the night, Greg was brought from death to life by the incredible power of prayer.
In the October edition of the Inspiration Magazine, you’ll learn how to unlock the keys of the Double-Portion Life God has for you durning this special season of Tabernacles.
Wisdom Keys
The Bible teaches that wisdom is one of God’s greatest gifts to His children, for it offers a long list of benefits: honor, a long life, wealth, peace, happiness, and many other things we all want.
Featured Authors
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President of Joyce Meyer
Ministries/Hands of Hope
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Latest Inspiration
Clear Vision for Your Double Portion
If you’re seeking a double portion of blessings you need a second touch from the Master. Often believers settle for less than what the Lord wants to do.
Your Ticket to Joy
Who among us doesn’t want more #joy in life? Will you give yourself permission to enter into #God's joy today? #Work #Marriage #Relationships #Children #CalmDelight
A Glimpse of Eternity Changed His Life Forever
Ian struggled to recall the only prayer he had ever learned. Forgive us our sins. An overwhelming awareness of his self-centered living, fell upon him and he cried out for mercy.
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Fueled by Faith
Do not confuse temporary happiness with eternal joy, and don't fall into the trap of self-promotion or false humility, but walk in humility and live life to please God above all things. Ignore the…
The Prospector
The prospector knew there was a treasure in the dirt and wanted me to know the feeling of discovering it myself. Our Heavenly Father has that same desire for us.
Peace-Loving Wisdom
Do you want real wisdom? If so, watch and follow the people who are loving and serving others in real ways. Look at the fruits of the spirit.
What Grieving Families Need You to Know
Losing an infant, or miscarrying brings with it heart shattering pain. It's hard to know how to help grieving familes, here's how you can be a blessing.
Dave Says: Hope Is a Good Thing
Have you done something stupid or wrong in the past that is still haunting you today and stealing your hope? Learn from it and move forward with hope.
Wheels of Wisdom
Because people were praying for that bike tour, there were many God moments. There were so many spiritual lessons that we knew we had to share them.
Can PTSD Affect Anyone … and How Do I Know If I Have It?
June is PTSD Awareness Month. Post traumatic Stress Disorder can happen to anyone, and it deeply and profoundly impacts all those who are close to them.
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Articles and inspiration to strengthen your spiritual life.
Learn how to live a financially favorable life today!
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Join Gracie B and her friends in learning about faith in a fun way.
Loving People on the Southside of Heaven
Loving people on the southside of heaven can be challenging, but God will work out all things for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purposes.
What Is Covenant?
God is inviting us to go back and rewire our guidance system by being “transformed by the renewing of our mind” (Romans 12:2).
Hope for Moms from the Author of ‘Shhh … Mental Illness’
When K.T. Griffith's youngest child experienced the trauma of mental illness, the entire family embarked on a journey they never expected.
Your Impact On The Nations
Through the generous gifts of partners like you we are reaching 200 nations for Christ!
Partner Stories
Save Souls When You Partner with Inspiration Ministries Salvation Outreach
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Investing in Inspiration Ministries means investing in your eternal account! For every $100 given to our evangelistic outreaches, we’ll be able to tell 2,500 people the Good News of Jesus. For every $1,000 donation, we can share the Gospel with 25,000 people – in….