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Hope for Layla & Fatima — and Countless Others

God has given us everything we need to fulfill the Great Commission in this generation, but the…

Sowing Seed Works
Sowing Seed Works

Tammie’s husband, Moir, was under a lot of pressure from his bosses, and he wanted to leave the…

Dave Says: When You Hit Rock Bottom

Dear Dave, I’m 20 years old, and I’m in a bad spot. I’ve been a jerk for the last year, not…

An Imperishable Inheritance!

Have you ever wondered if there will be any inheritance to give to your family? Do you worry that…

Outsmarting the Robots
Outsmarting the Robots

Did you know that when you submit a job application online, it’s probably read and filtered by a…

Credit Card Debt
Dave Says: My Best Piece of Advice?

Dear Dave, One of my credit card bills was turned over to a collection agency because I was late…

One-Third of Americans Are Losing Sleep Over Money

Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Or do you bolt awake at 2:00 a.m. every morning with a…

This Guy Has Potential
Dave Says: This Guy Has Potential

Dave, Recently, I made a few hires for the upcoming season for my lawn care business. They’re all…

Dave Says: Rewarding Success

Dear Dave, My wife and I are trying hard to get out of debt and start controlling our finances.…

Build a Christ-Centered Company
Build a Thriving Christ-Centered Company

Habit 1 Recognize Jesus is on the Receiving End Who do you work for in business? Who do the people…