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Turnarounds Through the Power of Prayer

Because of your financial Seeds, God is mightily using the prayer ministers at our Inspiration…

Dave Says: A Big Mess

Dear Dave, I’m a single mom, and I opened my own small business last year. The business isn’t…

Living the Blessed Life
Living the Blessed Life

In 1984, I was a traveling evangelist, and all of my income came from love offerings I received…

It’s Time for a Reality Check

It’s common for Christians to claim Christ as Lord and Savior with their outward projections. But…

Dave Says: The Idea’s the Same

Dear Dave, I own a small business. How much should I have in a business emergency fund when my…

Are You Financially Literate?

Financial literacy is the possession of skills that allows people to make smart decisions with…

Dave Says: Wait Until the Time Is Right

Dear Dave, Is it even worth it to buy a house these days? I’ve always been told buying a house is…

Faith Delivered a Dream Home!

Sowing a seed of faith isn’t about the money. God has all the money He needs and generously gives…

Don’t Embrace the Wrong Things
Dave Says: Don’t Embrace the Wrong Things

Dear Dave, Your plan has been a lifesaver for us. Why do you think some people are unwilling to…