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sensitive to the Holy Spirit


Now Is the Time

Farmers know they don’t break up their unplowed ground, plow the fields, or plant seeds just once.…

Victory over the Enemy

After returning to his native Venice in 1295, Marco Polo amazed Europeans with his account of the…

Going Deeper

Apollos seemed to be the ideal minister. He clearly loved God and had a passion for the Gospel. He…

Who Impacts You?

Caligula was a man whose very name is synonymous with evil. This tyrant ruled Rome as its emperor…

The Source of Inspiration

How do we find inspiration? How are we inspired? To many artists and musicians, inspiration is a…

This Is Your Life

“This Is Your Life” was a pioneering program in the history of American television. For years,…

Favor from Seeking God

There was great pessimism. To many Christians in Southern California, it seemed that nothing would…

Transformed by God’s Presence

Ezekiel did not speak because he wanted to speak, nor to share his personal opinions. He spoke…

God’s Incredible Timing

Paul had a passion for the Gospel. He had been called to spread this Good News, particularly to the…

Godly Wisdom

The battle of Waterloo, fought on this day in 1815 near the town of Waterloo, Belgium, was a…