Accepting but Ready to Change

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Many people are not content with their lives and have a hard time accepting the way God made them. Dissatisfied with something in their lives, many struggle and wallow in self-pity. But the Bible encourages us to remember that each of us is unique in God’s sight (Psalm 139:13-14), with a unique role in the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:4-20).

However, while learning to accept ourselves, it is possible to become spiritually obstinate—so content that we ignore God’s prompting of the need to change. Yet the opposite also is true, that we can be so focused on the need to change that we never accept ourselves.

Although they can seem like contradictions, both are important: accepting ourselves and being willing to change. These opposites continue throughout our lives.

James provides a practical way to deal with this apparent contradiction, by focusing on God’s Word (James 1:22-25). We must let the Word provide our standards, a laser into our souls, our actions, and our attitudes. We need to realize that, no matter how mature we are as Believers, there always is more we can learn and ways we can improve. Focusing on the Word, we need to stay humble in God’s sight.

This also means being sensitive to the work of the Spirit and being open to His correction. It is important that we let Him do His work, not closing our minds and hearts to His convicting power. We must remain open to His leading and guiding.

In your life, thank God for the way He has made you. Learn to be content. But never forget the need to grow and mature, to be led by the Spirit and conformed to the image of Christ. Learn to be at peace, yet ready to change, as He directs.