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Seven Years of Hell

Delinda’s marriage, which began with high hopes, had ended in a devastating divorce. Embittered and…

Launch into the Deep

Isn’t it amazing how God desires to bless us and pour out His abundance in our lives? As children…

All That She Had

One elderly woman’s gift did more than save a church…it changed a nation. Remember the Widow’s…

God Gave Me My Dream Job!

Even though she had no job and her money was running out, Patrice made a life-changing decision to…

Take the Next Right: Under Construction

Hey, friend. Today, you’ll need to put on your hard hat because we’re going to a construction site.…

His Authority Is Yours!

Few of us really grasp the awesome authority we have in Christ. We may not look very impressive or…

The Christmas Story: Does It Still Matter?

What does Christmas mean to you? Times with family and friends? Perhaps carols, cards, television…

‘The Best Decision You Could Make’

Growing up in Argentina, Angel and his family were some of the very few Christians at that time.…

The Crash, the Dream, and Destiny

Dave’s incredible journey from losing all to gaining everything that matters. When Dave was 11, his…