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From Terror to Testimony

In Istanbul, Turkey, a young Muslim girl named Isik Abla had endured years of physical, verbal, and…

Beauty for Ashes

Mary, a new friend of Inspiration Ministries, shares her uplifting story of loss, drugs, and…

Linda’s Miracle Grandbaby

The blood of Jesus is powerful. That’s what Linda kept telling herself when doctors said her…

No Longer a Victim

Unimaginably abused as a child, Christina began praying in her bedroom closet for God to intervene…

All the Cancer Was Gone

Four of her sisters had died of cancer, and Olivia was terrified when doctors found she had a…

Does God Really Want to Heal You
Does God Really Want to Heal You?

As someone who has personally witnessed supernatural healings on nearly every continent on earth,…

The Power of an Unshakeable Attitude

There’s nothing as powerful as attitude. It dictates your response to the present and determines…

Explorer on a Quest to Find Lost Sites from the Bible

ANAHEIM, CA (ANS) — When Bob Cornuke first got involved in searching for lost locations in the…

Veronica’s Miracle Grandbaby

Her daughter was given no hope of ever having a baby, but everything changed when Veronica was led…