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Seven Years of Hell

Delinda’s marriage, which began with high hopes, had ended in a devastating divorce. Embittered and…

Blessings Are Streaming In!

Darlene experienced incredible blessings after she sowed a seed of faith into God’s Kingdom.…

Everything Has Changed!

After she sowed an uncommon financial seed, Angela received an amazing breakthrough of God’s……

Trading Despair for Delight

What appeared to be a small step of faith led to amazing breakthroughs for Henry and Bukola. Henry…

My Dreams Are Coming True!

“In the first nine months of the year, I received double the income I made all last year!” From his…

My Depression Vanished Overnight

At age 85, Mort received a powerful word from God that changed everything. Growing old is not for…

A Bold Choice for Jesus

“Growing up, I didn’t choose my faith. I was born into it,” Sharifeh remembers. Like other children…

Scared for My Life!

Growing up, Maxine wanted nothing to do with Christ. “My parents took my brother and me to church…

Shellie’s Double Harvest

For one Inspiration Ministries partner from Indiana, the winter was harsh, and spring could not…

‘My Life Exploded with God’s Favor!’

Like many powerful beginnings, Raleigh’s turnaround started with a small step of faith. He'd been…