The Money Kept Pouring In!

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

God gave sudden breakthroughs to Sharon, a single mom in London, England, after she sowed financial seeds into the Good Ground of Inspiration Ministries.

Sharon is a divorced mother raising three children in London, England. At a time when things were very difficult for her young family, she took a step of faith to sow her first seed into God’s Kingdom through Inspiration Ministries.

“The bill collectors were coming to our door, and the situation appeared hopeless,” Sharon recalls. “But I reminded the Lord that I had sown into the Good Ground of your ministry, and that I’m a giver, like He is.”

Sharon was feeling very discouraged when she went to an ATM machine to withdraw a small amount of money the following day. But she was astounded by what she found.

“I was shocked to see that my account suddenly held 2,000 British pounds!” she reports in amazement. Yet that was only the beginning of her surprising blessings.

“The money kept pouring in,” Sharon says. “The government sent me 3,000 more pounds as an unexpected tax refund. Next, my ex-husband came into a financial windfall and finally was able to catch up on a large amount of money he owed me!”

Not only is Sharon praising God for her harvest of financial miracles, but she has also made an important decision: “I’m excited about being a lifetime Inspiration Partner!”

Sharon discovered the power of God’s promise in 2 Corinthians 9:6, that he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully!

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