
When Jesus Shows Up

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries4 Minutes

Chaos is something Boston knows a lot about.

For years, he based his worth as a human being on possessions and others’ value of him. He tried everything to fill the “hole in his Irish heart” and nearly died in the process.

“Emptiness ruled my life,” Boston said. “A hopeless alcoholic by 14, I almost died from emptiness. I tried filling it with copious amounts of drugs, food, excitement, sex, and pornography. I tried laughing myself whole. I tried making everyone around me laugh, so I’d feel whole. There just ain’t enough earthly pleasure to fill the hole in my Irish heart.”

A successful businessman, Boston lived the high life. Hard working, hard drinking, and hard playing left little time for his children and family. When his wife left, Boston crumbled at the thought of losing everything. The deadly combination of prescribed medications and alcoholism delivered him to death’s door.

Methamphetamines replaced Boston’s alcoholism, but also amped up his connection to the criminal world. Facing the barrel of a .357 magnum – held in the shaking hand of a confused, enraged addict – came with the territory. Car accidents fueled by meth binges and numerous drug-induced psychotic episodes involving law enforcement simply became the norm.

Nearly a decade into his descent into hell, Boston awoke from a weeklong binge. Desperate, twice refused admission to rehab, and grieving the recent death of his father, Boston impulsively grabbed a knife lying on the nightstand and headed down the street. Entering the neighborhood McDonald’s, he told the employees to leave, grabbed a burger, and sat down waiting for the police.

“I wanted to go to jail to get clean,” Boston recounted. “I’m not proud of what I did, but it saved my life that day. It saved my soul. My incarceration did for me what no rehab could have done. I got totally clean from drugs, sex, and pornography. I built a relationship with my living Christ that is as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar.”

In jail, Boston begged God to help him. “I wanted my DNA to change … those parts buried deep within that were affecting my life and relationships.” Instantly God revealed to Boston that fear controlled his life: fear of unworthiness, fear of failure … these fears created anger and self-pity.

“God lifted the veil the evil one draped over my eyes for years to keep me from seeing the One who really loves me with all His heart. I almost died many times, but I am here. I was covered in the blood of Jesus during the journey. He protected me. It’s sad where my addiction took me, but God was there all along. Everything I went through led me to the choice to accept the Lord. I am a man of purpose now.”

A free man now, Boston values the role Inspiration Ministries has in his journey. Directed to the ministry through a sponsored link on Facebook, he remains actively engaged on our ministry website, conversing with others and testifying to God’s goodness.

“Inspiration Ministries is a lighthouse guiding people to Jesus in the chaotic storm of this fast-paced world. They are my first source for Christian inspiration.”