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My Dreams Are Coming True!

“In the first nine months of the year, I received double the income I made all last year!” From his…

From Brokenness to Blessing

Gracie and Raymon were on the road to divorce when God intervened – in ways only He could do. No…

The Lump Disappeared!

Stephen’s life began to turn around after he became an Inspiration Partner and learned to stand in…

God’s Amazing Timing!

Do you trust in God’s perfect timing? Sometimes His timing involves patiently waiting, yet other…

From Destitute to Dream House

A UK partner gives thanks to God for the amazing breakthrough she received when she trusted Him…

Favor Is God’s Reward for Obedience
Favor Is God’s Reward for Obedience

Throughout the Bible, the repeated request from God is for our obedience to Him. He doesn’t really…

Have You Ever Received an Unexpected Check?

Imagine you are asking God to provide the money for food, bills, or a new home. You walk to your…

God’s Design
God’s Design

It is easy to forget that there is only one body of Christ. That Christ is the head and all of us…