From Destitute to Dream House

From Destitute to Dream House

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

A UK partner gives thanks to God for the amazing breakthrough she received when she trusted Him with a sacrificial financial seed.

Patience, a partner in the United Kingdom, had been widowed for eight years. Times were so tough for her and her three sons that they were being evicted and had nowhere to go.

Patience had seen a beautiful house for rent in an affluent neighborhood, but her credit was bad and she had no money for a deposit or the first month’s rent.

But Patience was a tither, and she knew the power of sowing financial seeds into God’s Kingdom. Although she only had £75 pounds in her bank account, she felt led by God to trust Him and sow all but £5 as a seed for souls.

Right before she was going to tell the rental agent she couldn’t afford the house, a generous friend surprised her by providing six months’ rent! The new landlord even paid for her and her boys to be moved, and he provided a gardener for no charge to her.

Since the house was partially furnished, she had everything needed. And this entire turnaround happened in just two weeks after she sowed her seed into the good ground of Inspiration Ministries.

But the best part of the story is not the financial blessing Patience received. When her sons saw the amazing things God had done for their family, they all wanted to be baptized!

“I keep finding myself singing ‘Great Is Thy Faithfulness,’” says Patience. “As the song declares, ‘All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided.’ Thank you, Lord!”

What God did for Patience and her sons, He can do for YOU!

When you release the seed from your hand, He will release exactly the harvest you need from His hand.