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Are We Lukewarm Christians?

On Sunday, February 5, the 65th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles. On hand were…

Prayers to Change Your Nation
Prayers to Change Your Nation: Revival Begins With You!

Editor’s Note: global crisis, social injustice, lawlessness, and the unfolding of end-time…

4 Keys to Fanning Revival Flames
Prayers to Change Your Nation: 4 Keys to Fanning Revival Flames

Editor’s Note: COVID-19, social injustice, lawlessness, and the unfolding of end-time prophecies…

World-Shaking Prayer
World-Shaking Prayer

Nearly one hundred and twenty years ago, a world-shaking revival broke out in a dilapidated…

Persistent Prayer

Many were curious about the meetings taking place in London under the leadership of Reuben Archer…

Waves of Revival

Throughout the earliest years of its history, America was shaped by intense moves of God. During…

Revival and Restoration

The nation was experiencing major problems. Many sensed that there was no hope —that defeat was…

Revive Us Again

In the early 20th century, Wales experienced a powerful revival. The Holy Spirit swept throughout…


Christians throughout America heard that something was happening. That special services would be…

Preaching Christ

William Grimshaw was born in Brindle (northwest England) on this day in 1708. Although he grew up…