
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Christians throughout America heard that something was happening. That special services would be taking place at a Presbyterian camp meeting at Cane Ridge Meeting House, in Cane Ridge, Kentucky. Word spread throughout the region, and people from Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee responded to the call.

This became the first great revival of the American West. And it began on this day in 1801. The crowds started arriving early. Many had traveled long distances. Some traveled by foot. Others on horseback. The fortunate few arrived with wagons (complete with tents and provisions).

The weather was terrible, as heavy rain drenched the area. It would have been easy to find an excuse not to attend, or leave early. But the spiritual hunger was so great that people kept flooding in, and staying.

There were people from all ages, races, and economic levels. In the end, as many as 30,000 people gathered, all committed to seek God.

One participant, Colonel Robert Patterson, later described what took place. There was a large “congregation assembled in the woods.” Ministers were “preaching day and night.” It was an amazing sight as the camp was “illuminated with candles, on trees, at wagons, and at the tent.” The throng became caught up in worship. Some people were “falling down,” many prayed, while others sang. It was a glorious time!

This revival set the tone for many other revivals that were to come.

Today, our world needs to be revived again. As in the day of Habakkuk, we need not just to hear reports about revivals but to have our own move of God. Pray that God would move on His people. Pray for a new move of the Spirit. Pray for revival.