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Spiritual Life


Logs, Specks, and Hearts Serving Him

“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you…

A Tough but Desperately Needed Topic
A Tough but Desperately Needed Topic

Researching and writing a trilogy about such a difficult subject as human trafficking—particularly…

Delivering God’s Letter

When you write a letter or send a card to a friend or family member, you place it in the hands of…

Are You Being Tormented? Try Forgiveness!

So many people today are being tormented by their past. Whether it’s due to failures and mistakes…

Have You Turned Your Back on Faith?

If life seems to be taking you into a valley of darkness, desperation or difficulty, and you find…

Living in God’s Word and Growing in Your Life with Christ

A newborn baby has so much to learn in order to thrive and grow. From the moment they’re born,…

How Deep Is Your Faith?

By God’s Word, He promises to give us wisdom and revelation of what our relationship with Him…

The Whisper of God’s Spirit
The Whisper of God’s Spirit

The Bible says, “Live by following the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16) and, “The true children of God are…

Power to Break Every Chain

The early church didn’t have the technology we have. They didn’t have computers, smartphones, or…