Unleash Your Faith

Unleash Your Faith!

David CerulloBy David Cerullo8 Minutes

Are you expecting God to do the miraculous in your life today? Before you answer that question, notice what I didn’t ask:

    • Whether you believe miracles happened in Bible days
    • Whether you’ve ever seen a miracle in your past years
    • Whether you believe God will do any miracles in the future

While all those might be good questions, I want to focus on your expectancy for the Lord to do supernatural things in your life today. You see, God responds to your faith. And if you’re truly walking in faith, you will have a great expectancy each day that supernatural power will follow you everywhere you go.

In his great chapter on faith, the writer of Hebrews warns, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (11:6). That’s strong language, isn’t it? He’s saying that if you want to PLEASE God, you must BELIEVE God.

And in the first verse of the chapter, he also provides a vital key to what miracle-working faith looks like: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (11:1). Notice that the very first word in this chapter on faith is “NOW…” True faith isn’t focused on the past or the future. It’s always in the present tense—a “now” relationship with the living God.

You don’t have to wait for breakthrough in the sweet by and by, my friend! Look what Paul wrote about laying hold of the full privileges of your salvation today:

“In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2–3).

When speaking of salvation, Paul wasn’t only referring to going to Heaven when you die. He used the Greek word sōtēria, which includes healing, deliverance, peace of mind, and safety. Today is the day, and now is the time to believe God’s promises for every area of your life!

Only Believe!

I’ll never forget sitting as a young boy in my dad’s evangelistic crusades and seeing the demonstration of God’s miracle-working power. I vividly remember an old song the choirs used to sing, “Only believe, only believe, all things are possible, only believe!”

In Mark 9, a man brought his son to Jesus to be healed. The boy was demon possessed and unable to speak. The root of his speechlessness was not physical but rather spiritual. Jesus said to the boy’s father, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (v. 23).

With tears streaming down his face, the father replied, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (v. 24).

Breakthroughs from God are the result of bold, obedient faith—the exact opposite of fear, doubt, and passivity. Instead of being afraid or timid, we must release our faith and boldly confront the mountains in our lives. We need to cry out, “Lord, with You all things are possible. Lord, if Your Word says it, then I believe it. Lord, help my unbelief!”

When we exercise our faith and cry out to God in this way, our faith will rise up to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of our destiny. Jesus tells us to speak to the mountains in our way and expect them to move! He doesn’t tell us to sit back and let our life drift with the wind—He tells us to take action and confront our spiritual enemies with an unconquerable confidence in God!

Today, Satan is launching a major assault against our faith, trying to instill fear and get us to waver in our trust in the Lord. He wants us to put our eyes on our circumstances or the world’s economy rather than on God’s faithfulness to His Word.

If you keep your eyes focused on your problems and the mountains in your way—whether they are financial, physical, or relational—the enemy will use your circumstances to plant fear and doubt in your mind and spirit. He will use your circumstances to accuse God and try to discredit His Word. Instead, keep your eyes focused on the Lord, on His Word, and on His ability to do ANYTHING!

Take a Step of Faith

I continue to pray for you this month, asking God to touch every area of your life with extra-ordinary favor. I believe in the power of prayer, and I’ve seen the Lord give breakthroughs to countless partners when they contacted our International Prayer Center to intercede for their needs.

But I’ve also seen another spiritual principle at work in the pages of Scripture and in my own life:

Sometimes a step of faith and obedience is needed in order to release God’s breakthroughs!

People in the Bible were sometimes asked to do unusual things to receive their breakthrough. Things like dipping seven times in the Jordan River … giving their last bit of food to a prophet … stretching out their withered hand … washing in the pool of Siloam … or sowing a sacrificial financial seed. But whenever a person exercised their faith and obeyed the Lord, He did miracles in their life!

What step of faith is God asking you to take today? If you are looking for Him to release His supernatural power, He may be waiting for you to draw near to Him. Or He may be looking for you to repent of something or forgive someone of an offense they caused you.

When you want to release more of His favor, a seed of some kind is always involved. It might be a seed of repentance, forgiveness, or obedience. Or it might involve faith, kindness, love, time spent with Him, or some other kind of seed.

I’m convinced that as you seek the Lord and sow seeds of faith, expectancy, and obedience, a great harvest of blessing will come into your life.

I’m praying for God’s miracle power to be released in your life and circumstances in an extra-ordinary way today!

God bless you,