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Strength Runs Out
What to Do When Your Strength Runs Out

These are difficult days for many. Although God has placed gifts, callings, and talents within us,…

A Christmas Miracle

Kareen needed a miracle. In early December, heart and lung failure landed her father in the…

My Husband Got Saved on Thanksgiving!

If you're concerned about loved ones this holiday season, be encouraged by this amazing story of…

You Can’t Outgive God

When Sandra desperately needed a breakthrough, God used Inspiration Campmeeting to stir her faith…

Life-Saving Harvests

Watching Campmeeting on Inspiration TV one Sunday, Marty knew God was wanting her to take a step of…

Katy Nichole: God Makes All Things Possible (Part 2)

Even through her battle with a chronic condition like scoliosis, award-winning Christian artist…

Palau Movie
‘Palau’ Movie: Big Dreams, Remembering Roots

When you see a famous and popular person on television, in the movies, or in person, the glow of…

Jordan Feliz: God Told Me to ‘Say It’ (Part 3)

John Farrell: What is your testimony? Jordan Feliz: I was raised in the church and I dedicated my…

Is TV Good for You?

What a difference a year makes! Discovering and acting on the principle of seedtime and harvest…

Friend, You’ve Got This: Our Three-Fold Battle Strategy

Dear Lord, So far I'm doing all right. I’ve got this! I’m good! I haven't gossiped. I haven't lost…