Special Delivery: Sharing Your Faith

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

As a believer, your faith in Jesus is something God wants you to feel comfortable sharing with your family and friends.

The Bible says to always be ready to give an account for the hope you have inside because of your faith (1 Peter 3:15).

What God does in your life is an exciting thing, and sharing that testimony of how His grace and mercy have saved you is a vivid demonstration to others how they, too, can be brought from darkness into light through faith in Jesus Christ.

Spreading the News

When you write a letter to a friend or family member, you must place it in the hands of the post office.

If you send an email, you must trust that cyberspace will deliver it. These are acts of faith.

In the same way, God has a message to be delivered to the world, and He has entrusted you with His Word and the Gospel message it contains.

You must be faithful to deliver to the world the good news about Jesus.

Before He was taken into Heaven, Jesus told His disciples to go to all the world and make Christian disciples, teaching them to obey all that He told them to do (Matthew 28:19-20).

This verse is not commanding you to physically go to the nations of the world, but instead instructs you to share the Gospel within your own circle of influence. That is your priority.

The Holy Spirit’s Help

Don’t worry about what you don’t know. Sharing your testimony is all He asks. You are not responsible for someone accepting Jesus as their Savior; that is the work of the Holy Spirit.

God asks that you share your testimony of Jesus with truth and grace, and to openly rejoice to the world that you’ve been entrusted with His precious Gospel.

Resources to Help You Share God’s Word