Can We See God’s Peace in Photo?

Pasquale MingarelliBy Pasquale Mingarelli4 Minutes

“How do you see God in a photograph?” As a nature photographer, I had that question posed to me last month. It’s a deep question without any simple answer. It really depends on the photograph.

In some photos, we can easily see God’s majesty or greatness. In other photos, seeing God or His hand may not be as easy. But when really look for something of God in a photograph we probably will find it. We can even see the peace of God in our photographs.

An Early Spring Hike

A few weeks ago my wife and I both had the day off from work. We decided to go for a nice hike. After dropping off our kids at school, we headed to a nearby nature area.

It was mid-March, and in the early spring, my photographers’ eyes don’t normally see something outstanding to photograph. Most of the trees are still bare and the ground is still brown. Finding something to photograph in the early spring usually takes a bit more intentional work compared to other times of the year. On this day, I was not willing to do that work. I just wanted to walk with my wife and enjoy the hike with her, so I left my regular camera gear at home.

We started our hike in a wooded area, but quickly moved into a more open space. In that open space, we could see the distant morning fog and light clouds above us. As we walked along, we heard plenty of birds making a cheerful melody. We found much beauty in the walk as we enjoyed the setting.

Seeing God’s Peace

Even though I didn’t see much green, or much of any other color in the landscape, the beauty of it still caught my attention. I felt a peace coming from my surroundings. And even though I knew there was no sensational photograph to be had, I felt compelled to photograph the peace. I pulled out my phone and took one photo. It was the only photo I took during that hike, and the only time I pulled out my phone.

In that scene and in that photograph, I saw God’s peace. That photograph is on this page. Do you see God’s peace in the photograph? I do. I see it because the photo acts as a visual journal reminding me of the feeling I had as we walked through that meadow. And I believe others can see God’s peace in the photo because it is visible to anyone willing to see it.

See God in Your Photos

In your own photography, you don’t have to look for that gorgeous and grandiose scene to take a photograph. If you feel God’s peace, or His presence in the beauty around you, go ahead and photograph it. It doesn’t matter if no one else likes your photograph, or even sees it. Photograph it anyway and draw near to God as you see Him in it and around you. Let that photograph serve as a visual journal and a reminder of your time that day, just as this photograph does for me.

Continue to look for God in your own photographs. As you look for God in your photographs, let your mind dwell on Him. When you do this, you will draw near to God, your relationship with Him will grow, and you will better see God’s peace in your own life.

Learn more about drawing near to God through nature photography.