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Eternal Life


Your Apprenticeship for Heaven

God’s plan is for you to develop and grow under the divine wisdom of His son. He has, in essence,…

give your life to Christ now
3 Profound Reasons to Give Your Life to Christ Now

In a world full of instant gratification, it is common that people seek options to get them further…

What Will Happen to People Who Die and Never Hear About Jesus?

The Bible contains certain teachings that are difficult for us to understand, yet they are…

How Do I Know If I’ve Been Good Enough to Get Into Heaven? ​

A major argument was brewing in the early church and the key leaders knew it needed to be nipped in…

Is There Life After Death?

Is there life after death and does it matter if you believe there is, or not? A quick Google search…

Your Passover Lamb
Your Passover Lamb

On the night He was betrayed, Jesus made certain that He and His disciples celebrated the Passover…


From the opening of his letter, John made it clear that he was writing about life. He began by…

Alive in Christ
Alive in Christ

If the only thing that matters is success in this life, Paul recognized that believers are most to…

Make Your Decision
Make Your Decision

How easily we can forget that Bible characters aren’t perfect but very human. This certainly…


“All who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds.” Luke 2:18 NASB…