
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

“All who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds.” Luke 2:18 NASB

Wonder! This was the response when people heard the news. When they heard the shepherds describe how an angel had appeared to them, followed by an angelic choir. How they had seen Christ the Lord, the Savior of the world, the baby Jesus.

It was a message so wonderful that they felt compelled to tell others all they had seen and heard, how the Heavenly host declared, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” All who heard these things “wondered.” The Greek word here describes a sense of marveling. Being amazed.

Throughout secular society, the birth of Jesus is commemorated in many ways. With family and feasts. Expressions of good will and gifts. But, as meaningful as all of this may be, it falls short of wonder. Of the transcendent sense of amazement that filled the hearts and minds of the shepherds. Perhaps more than anything else, this overwhelming sense of wonder summarizes the impact of Christmas, but only for those who receive God’s Word. Who look at these events from His perspective. Who grasp His eternal plans. Who are sensitive to the move of His Spirit. Who are not consumed with this world but have hearts softened and ready to listen. Who have eyes ready to be opened.

How we wonder that God could love us so much! How amazed we are to realize that He sent Jesus into the world to die for our sins, to give us hope, to free us from fear, and reveal the depth of all God has planned for us. How we marvel that Jesus would leave His home in glory and humble himself as a man, and go through all the trauma of this world, and eventually die on a cross.

How wonderful!


Prayer: Father, I am amazed at all You have done for me. I praise You for Your love. For providing for my needs and saving my soul. In Jesus’ name. Amen.