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Believing God


What God Meant

“Moses said to Aaron, ‘This is what the Lord meant when He said, I [and My will, not their own]…

No Sign

“The Pharisees…began to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him…‘Why does…

God Prepares the Way

The spies Joshua sent into the Promised Land must have been astonished. They knew that many…

Faith in God’s Word

Phoebe Worrall was raised in a home where Christianity was a priority. Born in New York City in…

Sensitive to Time and Place

Jesus understood the importance of following the Father. He declared that He only did “what He sees…

The Great Power of God

Each year, millions of people worldwide hear performances of “The Messiah,” by George Frederick…

Unbelieving Disciples

There might have been many people Jesus could have called “unbelieving and perverted.” But Jesus…


David experienced a major breakthrough. It happened at a time when he faced a powerful opponent,…


Cheating! It’s the theme of endless films and television programs, the “hook” that spices up…