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Say Goodbye to Poverty
Say Goodbye to Poverty

Your words hold the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). No wonder they are also a powerful…

There’s No Place for Fear in Your Finances

One of the first things to attack your mind when you’re facing a financial crisis is the spirit of…

Seven Biblical Keys to Living Prosperously

Recession, inflation, and economic hard times have been with mankind since virtually the beginning…

Multiplying Oil
Multiplying Your Little Bit of Oil

Second Kings, chapter four, tells the remarkable story of a woman who serves as a model for us on…

Keys to Double Portion Faith
Keys to Double Portion Faith

Do you need more faith in your life? What if there were ways you could actually double the amount…

Can You Smile at Your Future?

When you think of the future, how do you feel? Concerned? Fearful? Anxious? Or filled with…

Tips for Wisely Managing Your Money
Tips for Wisely Managing Your Money

There is an amusing interchange between George Bailey and the angel, Clarence, in the classic…

Turn Your Fallow Ground into Favored Ground

Winning souls for Christ can be your legacy! Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break…

Stepping into Financial Favor
Stepping into Financial Favor

Friend, it’s time for you to leave the past behind and move forward into a new place of freedom and…

Receiving the Power to Prosper
Receiving the Power to Prosper

The Bible says God “gives you power to get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18). Have you ever noticed that…