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Based on a true story, Hoovey is an inspirational movie about overcoming seemingly impossible……

A Promise to Astrid

Voted one of the top Christian movies of 2019, A Promise to Astrid is a true story based on the…

Who Am I?

Even the church rejected her, but God had different plans. This powerful testimony based on a true…

Can I Get a Witness Protection?

Jack accidentally observes a mob murder, so he and his wife Julie get relocated to Fresno by the…

By God's Grace
By God’s Grace

By God's Grace is a modern-day Christmas favorite for the family in the spirit of "A Christmas…

Camp Cool Kids

Camp Cool Kids is a family-friendly movie about facing your fears.…

Anything Is Possible Ethan Bortnick
Anything Is Possible

Anything Is Possible is a movie that explores issues like military family life, homelessness, and…

Magdalena: Released from Shame

"Magdalena," the compelling film portraying Jesus' tender regard for women, is being met with…

Tortured for Christ
Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ is the powerful true story of Voice of the Martyrs founder Richard Wurmbrand.…

All Roads Lead Home

All Roads Lead Home is an award-winning family film about loss, single parenting, and the…