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power of God


Abiding in Jesus I pray that these messages are encouraging you, as we’re stepping out…

The Power of God
The Power of God

As we look at the world, it is hard not to notice massive problems. It can be easy to become…

The Power of God

“‘Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own…

Unraveling Knots

Throughout his life, Daniel faced a series of monumental problems. This began as a young man when…

Power and Authority

From the outset of His ministry, Jesus demonstrated that He had complete authority over Satan and…

Filled with a Glad Heart

A recent study revealed that pessimists are much more likely to develop depression. The report…

The Evidence

The path to the blessing of God begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes, it is…