Abiding in Jesus

Bishop Terrell MurphyBy Bishop Terrell Murphy4 Minutes

I pray that these messages are encouraging you, as we’re stepping out into living in the Kingdom of God and bearing the fruit of that kingdom. As a matter of fact, one of the most important Scriptures about the Kingdom of God that we shared the last time we were together is: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” This, my friend, is your entryway into Kingdom living.

But there’s also more that is in the Kingdom. And I believe that it all comes in our relationship with Jesus Christ. You know God made Adam and Eve in the beginning in the Garden of Eden, but the thing we must understand is that God didn’t make them so that they would be busy about the work of their hands. And that they would not be consumed with doing things and making things happen and going here and going there. God made them for relationship. Can you imagine that? That a God that is sovereign and that is divine and that is the one who created the earth needed someone to walk and talk in relationship with.

Jesus picks that up in John, the fifteenth chapter and the fifth verse where He says: “I’m the vine, and you’re the branches. And whoever abides in Me and I abide in them, you will bear fruit.” And I don’t believe that it’s just a little bit of fruit, but I believe it’s abundant fruit. And then He goes on to say: “For apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

For us to be able to walk out the Kingdom of God and demonstrate the power of the Kingdom, and the beauty of the Kingdom, and the love of the Kingdom, we must stay connected to Jesus. That’s where our fruit is. If you take a plant out of the water, it’ll die. If you take a fish out of the sea, it’ll die. If you take a Mercedes Benz to a Volkswagen dealership, it probably will die too! But when a man and a woman remove themselves from Christ, they begin a lapse in their life. They begin a downward slide in their lives because we live to stay connected to Jesus; that’s our Kingdom position and that’s how we manifest the fruit of this incredible thing that God has put in our hands: His order; His government; His will; His way of doing things.

And so I say to you this morning that I want you to continue to press yourself in and be men and women who stay connected to Jesus; who live in Him; who follow after His Word; who follow after His mind and His heart. And who seek to demonstrate Him in all things. But let nothing replace the intimacy that you should have with Jesus Christ. That will bear fruit in your life. It will bless the lives of so many.

Remember the power of God is upon you and in you. Remember the ability to walk with Jesus and to serve Him and to love Him and to give his life away to so many. That’s Kingdom living and that’s what the Lord wants you to do. So, stay connected to the vine. That’s your place of nourishment. That’s your place of source. It’s your place of life and life more abundantly.

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