Plug into His Power

Ben CerulloBy Ben Cerullo2 Minutes

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8) and to heal the brokenhearted, to recover sight to the blind, and to set the oppressed and captive free (Luke 4:18). He came to bring freedom, wholeness, healing, and provision.

He wants us to be full of the power and authority of the Holy Spirit to do the same.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come with power. But the promise is not about power to achieve our aims or desires in life or to become rich or comfortable or popular.

The power is given for only one purpose—so we may be witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.

It sets the context and purpose for all the other amazing signs that followed throughout the book of Acts—the gift of tongues, the help to the widows, the sharing of goods, the healings, the missionary journeys, the many fillings with the Spirit, and the prophecies.

God put His Spirit inside of us so that everyone we come in contact with—every sick body, every demon-possessed person, anyone in the chains of the enemy—can see the power of God. It’s meant to spread like wildfire. The Spirit of God fills the temple of our lives so we can show the world and spread the fire as the power to heal, the power to deliver, and the power to restore.

God says, “I’m going to use you. I will release My power in your life if you seek Me. I will charge your life with fire, so that when you stand, you will ignite the atmosphere around you. When you walk into impossible situations, My power will shine.”

Forget about changing the world without the power of the Spirit. Forget about changing your city and your community. You’ll never be able to do God’s work without His fire. His power transforms us … and His love … sets us free.