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The Amazing Miracle of Pentecost
The Amazing Miracle of Pentecost

During his final teaching at the Last Supper, Jesus makes this remarkable statement and promise: I…

Jason Mac
Jason Mac: A Love Letter to My Dad (Part 1)

You Are Unique!
You are Unique!

Franz Xaver Mozart was the son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a recognized genius as a composer and…

Your Father’s Day Blessing

If you are a father, you know what it means to love your kids. To pray for them and be a secure…

Faith for Great Things
Faith for Great Things

Jesus reinforced many important truths during His last night with the disciples. He knew that they…

Meeting with the Father

Lucy Whitmore developed a special burden for families. Born of royal lineage in 1798, when she was…

On the Lord’s Side

In the midst of tragedies and turmoil, many mighty revivals broke out on both sides of the American…

Changed by God’s Presence

In the vision Ezekiel received, God stressed that both the prince and common people were to leave…

Holiness. Honor. Integrity.

Throughout His relationship with His people, God demonstrated that He was holy. When He appeared to…


How does God speak to us? How does He get our attention? During the time of the prophet Ezekiel, He…