Our Heavenly Account

"Even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs. Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek the profit which increases to your account."—Philippians 4:16–17 NASB You may not realize it, but you have an account in Heaven. You are not saved by your financial gifts or the things you have done. There is nothing you can do to buy your way into Heaven. But the Bible also teaches…

Unite Your Life with Jesus

I love the old hymn that says, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I’m convinced this is God’s objective for you today: to impact the world by being “happy in Jesus.” But it’s crucial to understand that the Christian life cannot be lived by studying what Jesus did and trying to duplicate it in your own strength. Rather than just being a…

3 Profound Reasons to Give Your Life to Christ Now

In a world full of instant gratification, it is common that people seek options to get them further faster. We want to see positive results right away, and we want what’s safe, satisfying and secure. The world will tell you that to be truly happy, you must cling to as much control as possible; the media can easily make you feel that you are defined by money, belongings or status. However, there…

School of Deliverance: Demonic Drama Addiction

Hello everyone! Welcome to School of Deliverance! We are studying this amazing book. I wrote it but downloads are coming from God, from the Word of God, and from hundreds of life experiences that I had in my ministry. Real people. Real studies. Real case studies and real amazing golden tips that are coming from the Word of God. Watch School of Deliverance with Isik Abla Three huge tips to your…

Food As a Gift from God

Excerpt from Healthy Eating, God’s Way: Weight Loss Devotional and Challenge by Cathy Morenzie   Day 1 Food as a Gift from God Scripture Reflection “And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:13 Overview My husband often wishes that he could just take a pill everyday that fills his belly so he does not…

An Imperishable Inheritance!

Have you ever wondered if there will be anything left to give to your family? Do you worry that inflation, taxes and stock market fluctuations will eat up your estate? Perhaps it is time to consider leaving an inheritance that can never be lost! Jesus clearly encourages making eternal investments in God’s Kingdom: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy…

Children’s Book Addresses Bullying

Rhonda Robinson: You have written a children's book, however, you believe everyone can benefit from it because it teaches certain values. Is it a Christian book? Amy Burgard: Yes. It is a Christian book. It is a story of two boys and two girls from four different parts of the world that come together in DC because all of their parents are ambassadors from their own country. And they…

Outsmarting the Robots

Did you know that when you submit a job application online, it’s probably read and filtered by a robot before a human ever sees it? No, this isn’t Star Wars. It’s just the 21st century job market. And that “robot” is something called an applicant tracking system (ATS). There’s no way around it, but there are a few things you can do to help your application pass through the system and make it to a…

Again and Again

"For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities."—Philippians 4:16 Paul, writing from prison, told the Philippians how grateful he was for their financial support. Through their giving, they proved they were concerned about him and helped him focus on ministry (vs. 10–13). In his need, he was grateful for what the Philippians had done. He told them that when he…

Dave Says: Teaching the Value of Work

Dear Dave, What are your views on teaching children good work habits? Many of our friends don’t require their kids to help out or work around the house, but we both strongly feel that instilling a strong work ethic early in life is one of the best things you can do as a parent for your children. — Deshay Dear Deshay, I’m so glad you both feel that way. Our culture has made many great…