July 18, 2023

Again and Again

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities.”—Philippians 4:16

Paul, writing from prison, told the Philippians how grateful he was for their financial support. Through their giving, they proved they were concerned about him and helped him focus on ministry (vs. 10–13).

In his need, he was grateful for what the Philippians had done. He told them that when he departed from Macedonia, they were the only church to share “with [him] concerning giving and receiving” (vs. 14–15).

The Philippians hadn’t merely sent one gift; they had given more than once. Some thought it was enough to send one gift. But the Philippians knew Paul continued to have needs. They responded by giving again and again.

Paul focused on their spiritual condition. He knew God blessed them abundantly for their gifts. Because of their attitude and generosity, they were giving again and again. This gave him the confidence to state, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (v. 19).

Today, some Christians give grudgingly to support the work of God. Others feel content to give once or occasionally. But some realize that the work of ministry can never stop. These people find joy in giving and never stop seeking to serve God.

Ask God to give you a generous heart and a desire to serve Him without ceasing. Give repeatedly to support His Kingdom.

Reflection Question: How can you remember to give regularly to the work of the Kingdom?

Father, I dedicate my time, talents, and treasures to You. Show me what I can do to support Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Philippians 4

Father, I dedicate my time, talents, and treasures to You. Show me what I can do to support Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Philippians 4