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Caitlyn Scaggs

Caitlyn Scaggs is Executive Manager at New Hope Girls and author of Worth It & Wonderful. She is on a mission to positively impact others by encouraging the pursuit of whole-hearted living while reflecting a life that aligns with a faith in Jesus Christ. Learn more at boldlypursue.com or Amazon.com

On Mission in the Dominican Republic

When I first met her, she had a blank stare and hesitant way about her. Most of the time she was…

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How Could Jesus Live a Sinless Life?

Our world is broken by sin and temptations abound. It may leave some scratching their heads, trying…

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Why Do You Call Jesus the Lamb of God?

There is beautiful meaning and significance to unpack as we consider the reasons we call Jesus the…

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Why Did Jesus Die?

Our beautiful relationship with God began in the Garden of Eden. In the early pages of Genesis, we…

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How Can I Be Blessed?

There is often a yearning in our hearts to experience God’s abundance within our lives. We want to…

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Why Do I Need to Accept Christ as My Lord and Savior?

You need to accept Christ as your Lord in Savior in order to restore your relationship with God…

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Practice Great Soul Care

We are in the season of resolutions! Our social media feeds are undoubtedly saturated with ideas…

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How Is Christianity Relevant in a Modern World?

Christianity, or following Jesus Christ and the truth found in the Bible, remains as relevant and…

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What Can You Do to Feel Healthier?

We live in a world that is never short on suggestions for how to practice better self care. Drink…

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It Is Never Hopeless

You Can Hope Again As followers of Jesus we are called to be a radiant light. We must shine bright…

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