What Does Grace Mean?

Caitlyn ScaggsBy Caitlyn Scaggs4 Minutes

You’ve likely heard the saying before that “nothing in life is truly free.” After all, all offers to “buy one, get one free” come with the requirement of making a purchase. Often, other gifts are suspected to come with strings attached. “Free” doesn’t always feel quite so free in our culture. However, in God’s Kingdom there is an incredible gift that is entirely free to us, no strings attached: Grace.

It is out of God’s abundant love for us that He extends this favor and pardon for all our mistakes and shortcomings. That is what grace means! We are provided with a beautiful gift, which we can’t earn and must simply receive. Ephesians 2:8 beautifully summarizes, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” God’s offer of salvation is freely offered to you.

Become Unburdened by Grace

The weight of our sin, mistakes, flaws, and shortcomings can feel so heavy. However, grace sets us free! When you receive this gift from God you are no longer bound by sin because, “you are not under the law, but under grace” (Romans 6:14). Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross and because of God’s abundant grace we are able to walk in freedom.

It is one thing to recognize this truth in our minds but often it is much harder to let this powerful reality take root in our hearts. Our world often prizes productivity and measurable contributions as a way to determine worthiness. We believe that if we want something, we must work for it. While work ethic is a noble sentiment and demonstration of good character, it is incompatible with God’s grace. You do not need to work hard or strive to receive this incredible gift. Grace cannot be earned because it is freely given!

Don’t try to fix yourself and don’t try to save yourself. Stop attempting self-help solutions when God has already made a way for you. “He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace” (2 Timothy 1:9).  Allow the power of God’s truth to embed itself within your heart.

If you are eager to explore more about God’s grace, spend time reading through scripture and learning directly from God’s word. In doing so, you invite His word and truth to inform the way you think and feel. The concept of God’s grace is nestled throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament but if you are looking for a place to start, consider Romans. This beautiful chapter, authored by the Apostle Paul, is saturated with discussion and exploration of this free gift and what it means for each of us.

What Does God’s Grace Mean for You?

God’s grace means that you are able to have an intact and beautiful relationship with God simply because He makes that available to you. You don’t need to first “fix” yourself or do all the right things to make yourself worthy of His love. Your worthiness was determined on the cross when Jesus paid the price for your sins, making grace fully available to you.

God loves you deeply and He wants to give you the gift of grace. The question is, will you receive it?