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Freud’s Last Session Movie: Freud and C.S. Lewis Square Off

Harvard psychiatrist Armand Nicholi taught a popular course on “The Question of God,” examining…

Sabina K Beauty for Ashes
Sabina K: Beauty for Ashes

“He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise…

Can a Christian Enjoy Entertainment?

There are many teachings on whether or not it is ok for Christians to enjoy entertainment. Some…

Finding Your Place in Hope Dances

Do you ever feel like you’re being tugged in two different directions? Have you ever had to choose…

Mr. Rogers Movie: Want Him as Your Neighbor
Mr. Rogers Movie: Want Him as Your Neighbor?

Ever feel lonely?  Underappreciated?  Frightened?  Need a friend who's kind?  Respectful?  Wise?…

Faith Transforms Tragedies
Faith Transforms a Tragedy into a Triumph in ’23 Blast’

This 2014 inspirational movie shares the true story of how teenager Travis Freeman’s (Mark Hapka)…

Glass Walls
Are You Trapped by Glass Walls?

False assumptions and unrealistic expectations create invisible barriers to the life Jesus wants us…

poverty cure
Poverty Cure: Rethinking Charity and Impacting the Poor

For me, donating items (most often in the form of school supplies, toiletries, food, and clothing)…

Kathie Lee Gifford: ‘The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi’

Most of us know Kathie Lee Gifford as an Emmy-winning talk show host with a warm personality and…