God Be in My Head

Eager to seek God, Christians in Salisbury, England, more than 800 years ago developed a prayer and worship resource called the “Sarum Primer.” (The name “Sarum” came from the Latin name for Salisbury.) Their simple expressions of faith and commitment still speak to us today. One of the powerful prayers from this primer was a cry for God to be present in every part of life. It read, “God be in…

Conquering Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion. It has many triggers: heights, diseases, death, financial problems, wars. But according to a recent study, the leading cause of fear among Americans is giving a speech before a group! In fact, approximately 85% of people experience “stage fright” when giving a speech. The most polished and experienced speakers can find themselves filled with this emotion—even Cicero…

Fruit That Lasts

Today the Banda Islands seem insignificant. Located in the Pacific Ocean as part of eastern Indonesia, they are unknown to all but a few specialists and the people of that region. Their population is estimated to be less than 20,000. Yet at one time these Islands were the focus of intense battles among European superpowers. Why? Because they produced the world’s entire supply of nutmeg. Author…

Don’t Be Afraid or Fainthearted

The people of Judah had every reason to fear. They were vulnerable, and they knew it. Their fears intensified when their ancient rival, Syria, formed an alliance with Israel, the northern kingdom. Then the two nations “went up to Jerusalem to make war against it” (v. 1). As they looked at their resources, Judah realized they were unable to defend themselves. It was a desperate situation. What…

A Clean Heart

How easy it can be to “pray.” Athletes pray during sporting events. Soldiers pray in the face of danger. People in business pray during tense moments. Hospitals are filled with prayers. Children pray about pretty much anything. These are prayers in our moments of need, often without any meaningful preparation, maybe even without a real relationship with God. Those who approach God with this…

Weak, Shaken, Rescued

David felt “weak.” In fact, his whole being was “shaken with terror.” He had been groaning so intensely that he’d become weary. His pillow was dampened with tears which drenched his bed every night. His eyes were “swollen from grief,” and he felt like they were growing “old because of all my enemies” (vs. 1-7 HCSB). As David struggled, he turned to God, and God gave him a breakthrough of relief…

How God Gets Our Attention

The results would be clear. As Moses reminded the Israelites, if they obeyed God and kept His Word, He would bless and protect them and grant them favor. In contrast, they could expect a range of problems if they failed to obey Him. Moses described ways God might speak to them, including a deep restlessness, a profound sense of uncertainty and doubt, and a constant sense of dread and turmoil.…

God’s Desire for You

We live in a world where change seems constant. So much seems uncertain. The moral foundations of society have been under attack. Many are anxious and worried. Countless families have been plagued by financial difficulties. There are wars and rumors of war. Immorality and marriage problems have multiplied. Millions around the world are hungry or suffer from disease. It can be easy, even for…

The Truth About Love

The word “truth” is used five times in the first four verses of this short letter. As a result, we might think this is a book about truth. However, John merely wanted to restate a truth. It was a fact his readers knew, but perhaps had forgotten. The truth he was communicating is that we are commanded to love one another. Love wasn’t an option, but a command! He wrote that this was not a new…

Frozen With Fear

Can we imagine the pressure Esther felt? All Jews were soon to be killed…unless a miracle took place, and the burden was on her. The Greek text of this story (found in the Septuagint—the translation used throughout New Testament times) describes her depth of despair—how she pleaded with God, feeling inadequate, filled with uncertainty and fear. She knew that other Jews had been praying and…