Finding Grace Heals the Hurts of Life

With a cast of seasoned actors, Finding Grace offers an in-depth look at a common modern reality: families fractured by grief and a loss of faith. A couple needed spoiler alerts – the movie deals with some heavy issues. Tackling both an (implied) attempted date rape and suicide (along with the horrific aftermath), Finding Grace presents a believable experience of faith’s healing power. The topics…

Max McLean, C. S. Lewis, and The Most Reluctant Convert

John Farrell: What is it about C. S. Lewis that makes him so interesting to you? Max McLean: I think his conversion is really interesting because it came as a result of the influence of his friends, his experience, and a lot of rational thought of serious study of scripture that came before his conversion. He said his argument against God was that the universe was so cruel and unjust, but…

YouTube, Beethoven, and Finding Truth

Excerpt taken from Mind Games: Winning the Battle for Your Mental and Emotional Health by Paul Daugherty   Chapter 2 YouTube, Beethoven, and Finding True Worth Moving from Insecurity to Trust “Hey, Paul, we started putting sermons up on Victory’s YouTube channel. You should check it out sometime.” It was a passing comment from our media director, and I happened to have a few…

Honey of God

Often people find following God’s law to be a burden. Many see it as a list of rules that control our lives and makes life not as fun. But is that how we should view God’s commands? Not according to Psalm 119. The Sweetness of the Honey Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (NASB)” The greater context of Psalm 119 reveals that by the…

Finding Grace

Finding Grace is a film about a family that’s falling apart. Ever since Alaska Rose’s mom left four years ago, she’s been acting out. Now that she’s 18, there are legal consequences. But when Alaska (Paris Warner, Little Women) gets arrested, Judge Harper (Erin Gray, Baywatch) decides community service is a better path for the young offender than jail time. At a local retirement home, Alaska…

God’s Love Can Change Your Life!

The Bible tells the story of a lame man who used to sit outside the Temple gate. The man had been lame since birth, so he really didn’t expect anything to ever change his dismal circumstances. There are many believers in today’s world who are in a similar predicament. They feel “stuck” in circumstances beyond their control. Instead of truly entering into God’s destiny for their lives, they…

Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Helping Grieving Families Part 1

When you consider that one in four American women experience the grief of miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic (also known as tubal) pregnancy, it’s not surprising that October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. Since 1988, it’s the designated month to acknowledge and support these families. This year, however, with the added burden of a worldwide pandemic and lockdowns these families…

Heartbreak to Breakthroughs

Our prayer ministers are vessels of God’s miracles in the lives of thousands of people like these each month— and they would love to pray for YOU as well! Have you ever been so excited to be a part of something great, that you can’t help but share the good news with the whole world? That’s how our prayer ministers feel every day as God uses them to transform lives and renew people’s hope.…


“He knows the way I take; when He has put me to the test, I will come out as gold.”—Job 23:10 NASB Job did not grasp what had happened. Once he had been successful and respected. Yet for reasons he could not understand, he experienced loss and suffering. Eventually he recognized that he was being tested. His friends, on the other hand, were quick to judge him and explain the reasons for what…

Jesus Is the Door to Our Salvation

I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, And your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit Even on servants—men and women alike. —Joel 2:28-29 Have you ever had a glimpse, or some may call it, an open vision? It is a mini-movie manifesting itself right before your eyes. It may only last a…