The Fresh Table

Be healthy. Cook with confidence. Gather around The Fresh Table! Michelle Spadafora and her son-in-law, Avery Ross, are on a mission to encourage people to gather together, share a meal, and deepen relationships. They believe life happens when you come together with family and friends and share fresh, nourishing meals together. When it comes to staying healthy and finding time to cook a…

My Gambling Bondage Is Broken!

What a difference a year can make … especially when you’re overwhelmingly blessed by God’s favor. Early last year, Margo woke up to a Campmeeting broadcast playing on the TV. Tired of the financial stress she had endured for years, Margo responded to the call to commit to sowing seeds for one year. In faith, she believed God would break the stronghold of gambling that had existed in her life…

Recognizing Shame

Excerpt Taken from Chapter 2 “Shame Who Told You?” of What’s Here Now?: How to Stop Rehashing the Past and Rehearsing the Future—And Start Receiving the Present by Jeanne Stevens   Recognizing Shame When your insides don’t match your outsides, and when there are so many categories flying through your mind of what you should be that keep you from who God created you to be, you can be…

Find Victory in the Holy Spirit

Victory in the Christian life isn’t automatic. God offers you His supernatural power, but you also have choices to make in order to appropriate that power. Paul tells us, “The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). That means you must choose where you “set” your mind. Even as Believers, we have a daily decision to make about whether…

More Than Conquerors

“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”—Romans 8:37 ESV Amazingly, Paul’s statement about being “more than conquerors” came in his letter to believers in Rome. This city had experienced tumultuous times and seen many conquerors. In the century before Paul wrote his letter, Rome had experienced a bloody civil war. Then, their republican form of government…

Nail 32

Nail 32 is an inspirational movie based on real-life cowboy Buck Livingston's story of courage, honor, and faith. In it, we're asked the question: Can a cowboy be a Christian? Buck loved being a cowboy more than just about anything. But when a well-meaning (but misinformed) churchgoer informed him he couldn't be both, Buck didn't hesitate to give up rodeo life. Luckily, Buck Livingston soon…

Passover Breakthroughs

Do you need God to do something extraordinary in your life? What He did for these other Inspiration Partners during this special season, He can surely do for you! Have you ever wondered… What’s the significance of the Feast of Passover? Should Christians celebrate this and the other “appointed times” God prescribed? Are extraordinary breakthroughs possible during this unique season on God’s…

Your Keys to a Transformed Life

When we read the history of God’s chosen people, the nation of Israel, in the Bible, we discover that God made four significant promises to His children. At the time, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Many years before, they had migrated south from Canaan in order to survive a terrible famine that had devastated the land. As the Hebrew population increased, however, the Egyptians felt…

Carol McLead and Meeting God in the Wait (Part 1)

John Farrell: Could tell me a little bit about your book, Meanwhile: Meeting God in the Wait? Carol McLeod: I’d love to. Meanwhile is a look at the life of Joseph of the Old Testament. I don’t know if your readers are familiar with it, but here was this incredible godly young man knowing God was going to use him and his life imploded. Talk about a terrible, no good, very bad life. That’s what…

Everyday Exotic

In Everyday Exotic, celebrity chef and musician Roger Mooking makes exotic, delicious food easy. In each episode, he introduces an Obedient Ingredient and demonstrates how to use it to elevate classic dishes for flavor-packed meals at home. The meals look and taste just amazing. Yet they're all really achievable for the home cook. Chef Roger breaks down all of it down into easy steps ...…