Masey McLain and the Role God Wanted Her to Play (Part 2)

John Farrell: Did you have a favorite scene or was there one that stood out more than others? Masey McLain: Yeah. I think the day when we filmed the play scenes. It’s more of a montage where we did the theatrical production. That day was so fun. Me and the lead guy – his name is Cameron – we had a blast off the set. There were times we literally couldn’t stop laughing and barely got a take in…

Recovery Today with Kandi Rose & Friends

Bio: Sometimes life is messy, but God brings redemption! The hosts of Recovery Today with Kandi Rose & Friends know firsthand about the devastation of addictions and the joy of restoration through Christ. Early on, Evangelist Kandi Rose lived through a series of damaging events that propelled her into substance abuse and work as a stripper and prostitute. She even owned a strip business in…

Listen … Do You Hear Him?

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. (James 1: 19 NLT) Early morning dawns, my sleepy eyes slowly open and adjust to sunlight peeking through the window blinds. Yawning and stretching, I prepare to rise from the comfortable bed. Before my feet touch the floor, I pause. I am still and calm. I listen for Him. “Good…

The Fear-Driven Life

Book Excerpt from Laugh Like a Kid Again by Phil Callaway Chapter 4 The Fear-Driven Life I have a fear of speed bumps. But I’m getting over it. The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional. MAX LUCADO Lest you think from reading my missile-to-paradise story that I get up each morning, don my “No Fear” hat, and stride bravely into the world quoting comforting…

Should You Tell ‘White Lies’ to Children?

Once upon a time, the culture as a whole understood that children are not mini-adults. In reality, children are in a constant state of maturing, mentally as well as physically. Their minds work differently. They are often afraid. Too often, what they are afraid of is not the real dangers in life, and run blindly into the areas that are. The same child that screams over a ladybug will waltz right…

Your Resources

"Honor the LORD from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine."—Proverbs 3:9–10 NASB Born into English aristocracy, Selina Shirley became Lady Huntingdon after marrying Theophilus Hastings in 1728. This guaranteed her a life of wealth and privilege. When her husband died, she wondered what to do with…

Power of Prayer

How can we unleash more of the power of prayer, praying with such impact that problems are solved and the world is changed? In his letter to Timothy, Paul taught several principles that can help us accomplish these goals (vs. 1-8). Paul knew that prayer can be weakened when we’re dominated by our own thoughts and interests, so he stressed that we should pray for “all men,” not just fellow…

Worship Your Way Out of Fear

What are you most afraid of today? A troubling medical diagnosis? Financial loss? Are you afraid of a failed marriage or your children going astray? There are many things in life we can be afraid of, but the question is, will we believe God's Word or listen to our own fears? King Solomon once warned in Proverbs 29:25, “The fear of man brings a snare.” However, he also says, “whoever trusts…

Embracing Divine Diversity

With the arrival of Black History Month in the United Kingdom, we come together to acknowledge and celebrate the immense God-filled contributions of the black community to the country’s history, culture, and progress. We rejoice in the contributions made by black Christian men, women, inside and outside the church walls. Each of us is called to utilise our God-given talents. Our faith and…

Your Next Is Better Than Your Now!

Did you know your next is better than your now? The promise of your future overshadows the dead-end days of the present. God is giving you the opportunity to water your own harvest – to nourish the seeds that will provide for your own miracle. He’s just waiting on you to pick up your heavy jug and run to the well. Remember the story of Abraham’s son Isaac and his wife Rebekah? What a…