Your New Season of Blessings

Just as we recently transitioned from winter to spring, God wants to bring you into a new season of another kind: a season of blessings! I hear from so many of our friends and Inspiration Partners who’ve experienced difficult seasons recently in their health, finances, families, or peace of mind. But I have a powerful message for you today, based on Acts 14:17… The Lord wants to show you His…

Finding New Life

The Beginnings of Rage As the oldest of five children, Jackie helped raise her siblings alongside her single mother in a neighborhood scarred by poverty and violence. She never knew the identity of her father, but the bond between mother and daughter was strong. When Jackie was just 12, however, her mom died from cancer. Anger and rebellion began to dig its roots into Jackie’s heart, and…

Grace Worship’s Christ Be All ‘Home Edition’ (Video) Pairing theologically rich lyrics with soaring melodies, Peoria, Illinois-based Grace Worship incorporates both classical and pop influences for its recording of “Calvary’s Anthem” that released onMarch 20. Available at digital and streaming outlets globally, this is the second single from this worship team’s debut Christ Be All EP available to preorder now from…

All I Could Say Was Hallelujah!

A school teacher’s step of faith led to an unexpected honor and a huge financial blessing. Aaron and his wife Tenise felt led by God to Sow a financial Seed of $1,000 while watching Inspiration Campmeeting. Although they had never sown such a large financial seed before, they sensed the Holy Spirit clearly telling them to do so. They acted in faith, trusting that God would give them an uncommon…

Get Understanding

"Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything."—2 Timothy 2:7 ESV Paul told Timothy that if he wanted “understanding in everything,” he needed to do something. It wasn’t enough just to listen to the words he heard or know what Paul said. Timothy needed to go a step further. He needed to “think over” these words. Paul used a Greek word meaning to exercise the…

The Days of Joseph Return

Excerpt taken from Prophetic Forecast: Insights for Navigating the Future to Align with Heaven’s Agenda by Joshua Giles   Chapter 7 The Days of Joseph Return What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again. Ecclesiastes 3:15 NLT The economies of the nations are in…

Faith to Move Your Mountains

“If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matthew 17:20 Jesus said the problems in your life are like “mountains” that you can speak to in faith and move out of your way. He didn’t say it would take extraordinary faith to do this. Even “faith as a mustard seed” can move away your…

Crimes Solved Through the Power of Prayer

This story begins with a great tragedy. Yvonne’s daughter Gloria was abducted, raped, and beaten to death at age 14, and her case went unsolved for 29 years. But in an unexpected turn of events, Yvonne’s prayers were answered for her daughter and other missing girls in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. After her daughter’s death, Yvonne spent many sleepless nights. The thought of her daughter’s…

A Major Key to Your Breakthrough

Jesus came to earth to show us God’s love and to give His life so we could have eternal life. He was perfect ... sinless ... and He willingly took our sin upon Himself on the cross to pay the price for our salvation. God’s love for us is so amazing! John 3:16 (NIV) says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have…

From Skeptic to Grateful Partner

Kofi, an African partner from Denmark, was highly skeptical of the popular Biblical principle of Seedtime and Harvest. He explains, “I used to have a problem with preachers encouraging us to sow seeds in order to receive a turnaround in life. I always argued that God doesn’t sell miracles, and I thought that’s what they were doing.” But then Kofi faced dark days when the love of his life told…