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Finding Freedom in a New Name

God often uses movies to touch my heart, and that was the case a few years ago when I watched The…

the lion of judah
The Lamb of God in The Lion of Judah

Although Jesus was always the Lion of Judah, He chose to come to us as a lamb—a humble and willing…

You’re the Worst Person in the World

Excerpt Taken from You’re the Worst Person in the World: Why It’s the Best News Ever that You Don't…

You Are Set Free!

One Sabbath day, Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, and the Bible says, “A woman was there who…

Prepared for Love
Prepared for Love

Religion nearly let Judah die … and it locked Gabriella into a prison of anxiety and shame. Though…

There’s No Place for Fear in Your Finances

One of the first things to attack your mind when you’re facing a financial crisis is the spirit of…

The Release That Brings You Increase
The Release That Brings You Increase

If you’re in a financial mess, you need to understand that your present doesn’t have to be your…

Carrying Rocks in Our Pockets

In prison escape movies like The Shawshank Redemption, the prisoners typically take the dirt and…

‘Harriet’ Movie: Courage, Freedom, Faith
‘Harriet’ Movie: Courage, Freedom, Faith

Antebellum abolitionist Harriet Tubman had convictions and courage that helped free herself and…