You Are Part of the Healing

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries4 Minutes

Your partnership with Inspiration Ministries brings light to many through our various evangelistic outreaches. Recently, the International Prayer Center and our Social Media Team joined hands to walk alongside a frightened, hurting soul in Jamaica. We invite you to travel a bit of the road with us.

Praying others through a crisis is long, hard work. It is walking through the dark valleys of life with another … speaking words of life and light from the Word. Hear the cries of one child of God as she stumbled in the darkness. Feel the heart of the loving Father in the responses from the prayer center ministers. Know you are a part of bringing this precious healing!

Marlene wrote on Facebook:

“I am going through anxious moments; I have to do a breast biopsy as they see suspicious areas. I also need strength to get out of an unhealthy and sinful relationship. I know it’s wrong, but I don’t know what to do. I do know better. I feel so ashamed and filthy.”

Inspiration prayer minister’s reply:

“God loves and cares for you. His Word says He will never leave or forsake you. We are agreeing with you in prayer for God’s peace and healing in your body. We are praying for God’s help, wisdom, and strength in getting out of the unhealthy relationship, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Marlene: “My biopsy turned out to be breast cancer. I am sad and terrified. Please pray. I trust and believe God will never leave nor forsake me.

Prayer Minister: “Your fear is normal. Heavenly Father, we lift up Marlene to you in prayer. We ask You in the name that is above every name, Christ Jesus, that You will exchange sickness for wholeness in her life according to Your Word in Romans 8:11. God loves you, Marlene. We will be praying for your total healing, we will not believe the enemy’s lies.”

Marlene: “I really need God’s peace and for Him to calm me, so I don’t have to feel so frightened. My daughter and mother are so sad. I have to act strong for them, but I cry a lot. I know it will be well, but for now I am scared.”

Prayer Minister: “God is with you; just keep declaring your healing. Do not allow the enemy to trouble your heart. We will keep praying 2 Corinthians 12:9. God loves you!”

Weeks passed with more tests and more struggles. Marlene checked in regularly, and the prayer ministers encouraged her to sign up for daily devotions to build her faith. She continued to battle and … slowly, the tide turned. Her victory came into view!

Marlene: “Please continue praying for me as I am having bouts of depression. Some days are good and some not so, struggling. Holding on to God though. Thanks. Bless.”

Marlene: “Greetings, just letting you know the bone scan result is good, and I have been letting go of my unhealthy relationship. Just want you to know that I am so grateful for your continued prayers. Bless you all.”

Marlene: “Greetings in Jesus’ name, craving your continued prayers as I am scheduled for a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Just know that I have been doing so much better. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings, amen.”

Isn’t God amazing! Because of your partnership with Inspiration Ministries, thousands like Marlene have found hope in the loving power of Jesus. Thank you for your generous seeds for souls. You are making a difference!