Right Place, Right Time

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

It was just an ordinary day at our International Prayer Center when Patricia, one of our prayer ministers, attempted to call an Inspiration partner in Chicago to ask if he needed prayer for anything.

Amazed by God’s timing, the man confessed, “Yes, I desperately need prayer. My brother-in-law has been abusing my sister and her children, and I’m so angry that I’m on my way to kill him!”

Patricia prayed for the man and asked God to deliver his sister and her family from the domestic violence. “After we prayed, his heart was calmed,” she said.

Then the man asked in bewilderment, “How did you get this telephone number to call me?” Patricia explained that the International Prayer Center must have received his number when he previously called for prayer.

The astonished man informed her, “You called me on my brand-new cell phone, which I just purchased this morning. It was impossible for me to have ever called from this number!”

This intervention from the Lord may have been humanly impossible, but with God all things are possible! This man could see that Patricia’s timely call was a miracle from God, meant to stop him from carrying out violence.