I Am an Overcomer!

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries4 Minutes

Do you ever feel alone—overlooked by those you love, unnoticed by the world, and abandoned by God? In this busy, technology-driven world, it’s easy to fall into that lie. The truth is that God is here, calling you to come closer and embrace His love. It brings us great joy when we hear that He has used Inspiration Ministries to deliver His message to a hurting heart. Read along as Teresa shares her story:

“About 3:00 a.m., I turned on the TV and began surfing through the channels. I came across your program. Mike Smalley was speaking, and I felt impressed NOT to change the channel. I sensed that I was about to receive a miraculous, absolutely miraculous, infusion of God’s healing power.

“I was consumed with various forms of self-medicating, chief of which was abusing alcohol. In fact, having just awakened, I was getting ready to start drinking again. The state of depression I was in was so terrible—indescribable really.”

The message that stopped Teresa was so unexpected that she was compelled to listen. Riddled with guilt over her lifestyle, she almost couldn’t grasp the shocking ideas being presented in this 3:00 a.m. sermon. She knew she needed to confess and repent, but the confessions the preacher asked her to repeat were unfamiliar, even strange, to her:

1. Jesus is the LORD of my life.
2. I am an overcomer.
3. My seed is birthing my future.

As Teresa repeated these three declarations, she couldn’t help but feel a wave of freedom. Instead of shame and condemnation, the Inspiration Ministries program was infusing hope for the future based on the love of God. Teresa continues with her story:

“WOW! Listening, focusing, and meditating on these spiritually, critically crucial points greatly empowered me! I am sharing them with all those around me as I look forward to the people my life will touch! I make this donation to you happily!

“By the way, two days after I first viewed your program, I came across Mr. Smalley again in the wee hours of the morning! He was speaking about living life abundantly. This topic is something I really need to hear more about. Thank you for being there in my great time of need. My relationship with God has deepened like an ocean. WOW!”

It is such a privilege to be part of delivering hope around the world and read the stories of those who are impacted by seeds sown into this ministry. We may not be there at 3:00 a.m. when the weight becomes unbearable, and the world feels so dark and alone. But praise God, through technology, we can broadcast voices declaring the truth to the lost and hurting. When hearts hear that message, the light of Jesus enters and chases the darkness away. Join us in rejoicing and praying for the seeds sown and the harvest created! And don’t forget to share your needs and victories, so others can pray and rejoice with you.