Only Jesus

Only Jesus

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries4 Minutes

When religion hardens a heart, even the things of God can seem stale and useless.

Take Junaid for instance. He had no need for God or the Christian life. Both of his parents took Junaid to church, but neither God nor church meant anything to him. Eventually Junaid stopped attending church and spent all of his time hanging out with friends.

Making money, chasing women, and getting high held much more appeal than the Almighty. The wild life sent him to prison in 2011 where he connected with other prisoners from a Muslim background. While he prayed to Allah, he still had no interest in serving any god.

After his release in 2017, Junaid chose a better lifestyle for a short time but soon fell back into the wrong crowd — using and dealing drugs. Two years later, as Junaid’s life continued to spiral downwards, his father died.

“My life really hit bottom then. I lived on the streets and in crack houses. One morning I decided to go home, but no one wanted me around. Thank God for my sister’s husband who gave me a place to stay. He took me to church, and I had my first encounter with the Holy Ghost. It was phenomenal. I cried tears of joy. Things started coming right for me.”

Junaid found work and entered a training program to become a qualified safety officer. He excelled in his work, and God blessed his efforts. Soon he became a trainer for large corporations. But even Junaid’s satisfaction with work was not enough to help him cope with the challenges of life. It wasn’t long before circumstances piled up, and Junaid’s emotions overwhelmed him. He turned back to drugs for relief and comfort.

But Jesus continued to pursue His lost sheep and pointed Junaid in the right direction. He had him go to the Inspiration Ministries’ website, where he came across our video Love of God. Responding to God’s offer of forgiveness and mercy, Junaid rediscovered the right path.

When someone responds to our outreach, we send a welcome message and later check in to see how they are doing. When Junaid received a recent email from us, he jumped at the opportunity to share his testimony!

“It’s been three months now that I’ve been sober, not using any drugs. Things are coming right for me again. I enjoy serving the Lord, and I don’t want to fall back again. I want to give all my thanks and praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He’s brought me through a lot.

“I have been involved in crime, drugs, and gangs, but I grew up in a good family where no one did those things. I want people to know that money will not give you joy and peace. Only Jesus can do that. I thank God for raising me out of the life I chose — I am alive only because of Jesus. I hope this testimony will bless others and be used the way the Lord wants it to — winning many souls to Himself.”

Our Mission Is to Share the Love of God!

Last year over FIVE MILLION people responded to our Love of God video! But those who come to know Jesus need additional support. In addition to providing prayer support, we offer daily encouragement, web-based learning resources, and our Christian television programs. None of it could happen without you! Please pray for Junaid and others who are walking with Jesus because of Inspiration Ministries’ worldwide outreaches.