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God’s plan


Cup of Christmas: Even If

Hello friend, and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk. I’m Kim Crabill. Please grab your coffee or…

Be Who God Made You To Be

Have you ever been convinced that you know what God wants, so you decide to make it happen? Most…

When Your Child Has Been Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The church was packed. The music was loud. Lily clasped her hands over her ears and started to…

Four Keys to Restored Hope

Ever notice how seasons of faith happen in waves? One minute you’re riding high on the hope of the…

The Petersens’ Ellen Petersen Haygood: Masters of Bluegrass and Gospel (Part 3) John Farrell: It’s interesting that the algorithm YouTube uses…

Perpetual Creation
Godly Grandeur: Perpetual Creation

Have you ever considered that our grief over the tragedies on our streets and throughout our world…

God’s Time, God’s Plan
God’s Time, God’s Plan

The religious leaders of Jesus day knew well the significance of Passover. No doubt they were…


Paul clearly had a special concern for the Roman believers. In fact, he longed to see them. This…