Friend, You’ve Got This: It’s What You Know

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill5 Minutes

While shopping a few weeks ago, I overheard a frustrated mom ask her disobedient daughter, “And who do you think you are, young lady?” As parents, most of us can relate. We’ve been there, said that – probably more than once.

But, there’s a difference between those words being said from a loving parent to a disobedient child, than those same words being hurled toward you as you are striving to live obediently.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Strengthen Your Walk, and our study, “Friend, You’ve Got This!” I’m Kim Crabill and as always I’m thrilled to have you join me!

Watch Friend, You’ve Got This! with Kim Crabill

Over our past few times together we’ve talked about the battles we find between our spiritual diagnoses (what we know God would have us to do in a certain situation) and the delivery (actually carrying out that act in obedience to Him). We shouldn’t be surprised or be caught off guard by the battle. We can go all the way back to Genesis (Genesis 4:7) to see the invitation to sin (to go astray) can be found waiting at every “door,” which to us can mean “every opportunity.” What we MUST do is what we have been doing together in this series – be prepared for the battle!

So in preparation so far, we’ve discussed two strategies that are used against us in this particular battle: 1) fear and/or 2) compromise. Today, we will look at another strategy. And I tell you, it’s one that truly hurts me to talk about.

If Satan cannot stop you by planting thoughts of fear in your mind, or cause you to compromise your actions, he WILL resort to coming after the very heart of who you are! The enemy will wage an all-out assault on your very identity. He knows we live, grow, and flow on the foundation of knowing and being secure in who we are in Christ. And so, this evil, evil one sets about to do his best to undermine that security and shatter that foundation. So often it begins with this question, said in such a condescending tone, “And who do you think you are?”

You know what I’m talking about. No doubt, you’ve heard it. Then the enemy lodges a thought in our mind about what he wants us to believe about who we are, and who we are NOT. It’s so appalling, so hurtful, so shameful that, even if we had one, we wouldn’t hurl such an insult at our worst enemy.

So today, let’s begin to answer this same question, but from God’s perspective. Then, when we hear that condemning question we can be prepared with some attack-stopping responses. When asked, “Who do you THINK you are,” you can begin by responding with who you KNOW you are …

1) I am a beloved Child of God – Ephesians 5:1
2) I am deeply loved – John 3:16
3) I am forgiven – no longer under any condemnation – Romans 8:1
4) I was birthed with a plan – Jeremiah 29:11
5) And I am fully equipped for that plan – 2 Timothy 3:17

For time’s sake, we must pause here, but we could go on, and on and on with who WE ARE IN CHRIST JESUS! And that’s what I hope you will do! Go into your Bible to find many more declarations of WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE. If unsure where to go, you can begin with the first three chapters of Ephesians.

Oh! One more thing you can definitely say – something that I use so often comes from John 10:28: Because I AM a child of God, no words, no condescending questions, nothing or no one will EVER be able to shatter my foundation by snatching me from the hand of my Father! Awesome, don’t you agree? So let’s go, whatever God has called us to do … We’ve got this, because He’s got us!

Thank you for joining me today … I look forward to seeing you next time on Strengthen Your Walk.

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