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How Great Is Your Darkness?

Not many folks are really afraid of the dark – they fear what hides in the dark. And not without…

‘When We Last Spoke’ Movie: Kids’ Dreams, Family Secrets, Forgiveness

Did you have fun as a kid with your siblings? Argue with them as adults? Were your parents…

Perpetual Creation
Godly Grandeur: Perpetual Creation

Have you ever considered that our grief over the tragedies on our streets and throughout our world…

Defeating Demonic Confusion

“When the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, ‘You are the Son of God.’…

A New Way to Look at Sin

What is sin? Although we tend to think of sin as acts of evil, immoral thoughts or deeds, or…

Shrewd Lies

Adolph Hitler was a master of deception. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “By means of shrewd…