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Why a Biblical Worldview Is Now Essential, Not Optional
On the threshold of my 50th anniversary in ministry, I sing with believers worldwide celebrating God’s Amazing Grace — “Through many dangers, toils, and snares we have already come / Twas grace that brought us safe thus far and grace will lead us home.”
In the book of Romans, Paul’s masterpiece on salvation, he spends 11 chapters explaining the beauty of God’s plan of salvation. In Chapter 12, he pivots, calling us to respond by presenting ourselves to God and then embracing the priority of developing a biblical worldview to experience the fullness of God’s magnificent plan for our lives: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
Amidst today’s global “shaking” and avalanche of deception and moral decline it behooves us to grasp the absolute necessity of a biblical worldview for us, our families, and churches. We’re living in times similar to those described by Vladimir Lenin, who said, “Decades are happening in days.”
Just one generation ago the overwhelming majority of Americans ordered their lives according to traditional Judeo-Christian values. Schools, entertainment, and government upheld these standards. They’ve slowly but surely evaporated resulting in a secular, post-Christian culture. Therefore, with supports gone, a biblical worldview is now a non-negotiable
Developing a Divine Perspective
Ten blind people feeling a different part of an elephant will describe him differently because of one thing: perspective. God gifted each one of us with a mind, but once we are converted, it is absolutely essential that we allow Him to shape our perspectives according to His will and not the ways of the world.
Surveys reveal that in America, 4% of millennials embrace a biblical worldview (Barna Report). Seventy-six percent of millennials (many identifying as “Christians”) believe that living together/cohabitation is acceptable. Multitudes of young professing “Christians” who do not have a biblically informed perspective on God’s design for singles and sexuality embrace this worldview. They are in serious deception, and God calls them to repent of “lifestyle fornication” for His glory and their good.
Contrary to what our culture overwhelmingly condones, scripture states without equivocation, “And do not let sexual immorality, or any impurity, or greed be named among you, as these are not proper among saints. … For this you know, that no sexually immoral or impure person, or one who is greedy, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God” (Ephesians 5:3,5).
Bottom line: It’s all a matter of our worldview and aligning with the will of God in every area of life to avert shipwreck and stay on the right track to a peaceful and purposeful life.
My $24.5 Million Dollar Lawsuit
Decades ago, I made a very serious error and experienced one of the most traumatic episodes of my life. Speaking to a large crowd of young people, I repeated misinformation passed on to me from a nationally known speaker who’d heard the misinformation from an international Christian leader.
Communicating erroneously that the author of the then No.1 bestselling book in America had taken his life catapulted me into a massive lawsuit with unbelievable legal fees and a horrific ordeal that lasted four years. The story was covered in a two-page spread in People magazine and Charisma magazine featured me on its cover.
A settlement was eventually reached and forgiveness extended from a painful lesson I’ll never forget. Everything stemmed from a statement passed on to me from a wrong perspective that I naively passed on, bringing the “wrath of Con” upon me and the other defendants.
Erroneous thinking has consequences. Sinful behavior brings suffering, maybe not immediately, but inevitably. Masses of Americans are suffering tragic consequences reaping what they’ve sown, having followed pop culture instead of perspectives rooted in the Word of God.
A Correct Perspective is Critical
Contrary to what our culture propagates concerning truth being subjective for each to interpret as he feels, the Bible teaches absolute truth and of that we can be absolutely certain! Success and stability in life comes from embracing maxims such as these:
- Truth exists and is knowable.
- Truth upheld brings blessings.
- Truth disregarded brings consequences.
Ministering in 31 nations and across America for decades, I am more convinced than ever that embracing a biblically informed worldview of “true truth” brings “joy unspeakable” (1 Peter 1:8) and “abundant life” (John 10:10) as Jesus promised to obedient followers.
Deception Destroys
In a past election, a charming and charismatic presidential candidate was drawing large crowds and being hailed as the next John F. Kennedy in American politics. As his campaign picked up momentum, his presidential ambitions came to a screeching halt from the revelation that he committed adultery, repeatedly lied about it, all the while his wife was battling inoperable cancer.
According to Newsweek, the other woman had a belief system (a worldview upon which she built her life) completely contrary to Scripture and very bizarre, to say the least.
The woman was a divorced, free-spirited party girl steeped in New Age spirituality. She was a “firm believer in the power of truth” (which truth?) and “fiercely devoted to astrology.” She also believed (based on what?) that she led “many lives” because “souls enter and escape a field of consciousness.” Finally, she and another fellow shared a “genius” idea for a TV show about “women who help men get out of failing marriages by having affairs with them.”
What were the results of this worldview? Sadly, it led to a tragic scandal; destruction of a marriage; an illegitimate child; a devastated family; a destroyed reputation and the end of a presidential campaign and political career. The politician’s wife died of cancer in the midst of the episode and in a subsequent interview, the woman admitted that she and her former flame are “no longer a couple.”
Erroneous thinking and embracing a worldview contrary to Scripture brings consequences: For many, it leads to addictions, health problems, and even premature death or suicide.
Take the Bullseye Challenge
For everyone serious about aligning with the radical and amazing plan God ordained for your life, let me strongly encourage you to fulfill your destiny by developing an unshakable biblical worldview. Simply make a commitment to devote 15 minutes a day for 30 days to benefit from bullseyechallenge.com – a free resource helping scores across America develop a biblical worldview.
This is not a gimmick or “too good to be true” TV offer. It’s simply the gift of a free tool that will change your life and help you in one month develop God’s perspective on the 30 key issues we face today.
Here’s the challenge: Click on the site daily and watch a brief three-minute video. Read for 10 minutes the accompanying chapter in the optional book you can get on Amazon. Finally, invest two minutes in prayerful reflection.
Here’s the deal: Jesus said the No.1 signpost signaling His Return was deception (Matthew. 24). In a world awash in false philosophies and destructive falsehoods, we are called to be champions of righteousness and bold ambassadors of the gospel and uncompromising truth. Get started, and join multitudes already engaged with the Bullseye challenge to change your thinking and your life today!
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Larry Tomczak
Larry Tomczak has been a cultural commentator for nearly 50 years. He is a best-selling author, a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel, and a board member for Intercessors for America. Learn more at larrytomczak.com
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