please God

Living to Please God or People?

Theresa RoweBy Theresa Rowe7 Minutes

For we speak as messengers from God, trusted by Him to tell the truth; we change His message not one bit to suit the taste of those who hear it; for we serve God alone, who examines our hearts’ deepest thoughts (1 Thessalonians 2:4). 

Who can master their tongue? We say too much, and sometimes we say too little. We compliment then take it away trying to help them be even better. We will shout from the top of Mt. Everest to prove our point to our fellow man. It is not about being right or wrong with others, it’s about being right with God. That’s all that matters in this life. Please Him, not people. 

Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant (Galatians 1:10). 

Adding to the troubling tongue, we let our fingers do the talking with bent boldness from a brassy enclave, developing entertaining new ways to scratch initials in fresh concrete sidewalks. But we are not cute little adolescents; we are responsible to God for our thoughts, actions, words, the way we react, respond, and treat others. Those initials you scratched into the Internet are there forever, a coward’s way to hide and hurt others.  

Like all issues, the Bible has wisdom for how we treat others. 

“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you” (Luke 6:31). 

Here’s a thought, would you want the things you say being sent to your screen, directed to you? Even worse, watching the likes pile up around you? Would you want your mother, father, boss, or someone you respect, reading what you write?  

Social media can be used to encourage one another, and there are many sites operating that help build up believers and those who will be believers. God is not a dinosaur, and His Word is not dead, but living, a fountain flowing from His throne. Our Lord is more than a little familiar with “group think” (aka the modern-day mob), and He wants us to stand out and up for His love! Instead of doing the easy thing and riding the “like” me train, do your own research, test it with the Word, and speak God’s truth. 

We must stay vigilant in our pursuit of pleasing God, mindful that our culture will chip away at our Godly convictions. The Bible tells us where we must draw the line. 

Jesus said, “I know you inside and out and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit” (Revelation 3:15 MSG). We don’t want to be that kind of church! 

This may step on some steel-toed boots, and bounce off some really hard heads, but when it comes to God’s word, He speaks truth on every topic of discussion. Even for those who say it is difficult to understand, there are versions of the Word that speak in modern language in the most direct of terms. Just search His Word on whatever topic and you will find the answer. It may not be the answer you want, but it will be God’s answer and the truth. 

So, how about our opinions? What does God say? 

The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that (Proverbs 29:25). 

We do not need permission from man to do God’s will. If we are speaking His truth in love, with gentleness of heart, the Holy Spirit will convict the hearts of man. There is no greater place to be than in His will, and within our God-given purpose! 

You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail (Proverbs 19:21). 

Walking within His will can divide relationships within families and sour friendships. Some will see you as a weirdo, so earthly recognition should not be expected. The enemy uses false humility as a twisted form of pride to reward people with accolades for a job well done. People will dote on other people and flatter them to win their approval while collecting social media likes on their platforms. 

And he gives grace generously. As the scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” So humble yourselves before God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:6-7). 

Our human flesh yearns for acceptance, approval, and recognition, and who doesn’t want to be rewarded for a job well done? In my mid-thirties, I began running races to win fifty first-place trophies. There were many excellent runners in my age group, The endorphin high for me was in the winning, not the running, and it soon left me feeling empty inside.  

What was the point? To validate that I could run fast and win the approval of others in the running community? God examines the motives of our hearts. He sees us just as we are. He rewards us for our faithfulness. Maybe not here, or now, but your reward is coming soon! 

Let me encourage you to spend more time on your vertical relationship with God and less time on the virtual experiences of this world.  

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him (Hebrews 11:6).