Dying to Self

Save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross. He saved others; Himself He cannot save.—Matthew 27:40, 42 The people who watched Jesus die on the cross were typical human beings. If Jesus was God’s Son, they believed that it was logical for Him to focus on Himself. Any other course, to them, demonstrated that He was a fraud. Ironically, these observers identified the…

‘What? He Died?!’

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit (Matthew 27:50).   What is an appropriate age to talk about Jesus’ crucifixion with your children? When you do have this important discussion, how do you approach this topic with little kids? Honestly, I don’t have an answer for the first question as it varies from child to child; however, I do think three was a…

What Is Maundy Thursday?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another (John 13:34 ESV). It was to be the last supper for Jesus and His disciples. Tension filled the room. Everyone understood that the stakes couldn’t be higher. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus had proved to be an increasing threat to the religious authorities in Jerusalem.…

Anything Is Possible: Music, Military Families & Faith

Anything Is Possible is a well-made inspirational family film starring Lacey Chabert as Maggie, a military mom who goes missing. Musical prodigy Ethan Bortnick plays the central character, 10-year-old Nathan. He also co-wrote the film’s incredible soundtrack with producer Gary Baker. In a sea of movie choices, what sets this one apart? First of all, it is suitable for the whole family. It…

Why Did Jesus Die?

Our beautiful relationship with God began in the Garden of Eden. In the early pages of Genesis, we learn of how God created our world and then He walked in intimacy and relationship with Adam and Eve. Wow, it was wonderful! However, it all came crashing down when Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world by choosing to disobey the Lord. Sin created an insurmountable obstacle between us and our…

Magdalena: Released from Shame

"Magdalena," the compelling film portraying Jesus' tender regard for women, is being met with incredible response around the world. Magdalena is inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended for...to know Jesus, and with loving hearts and a gentle touch make Him known. This collection includes the 1-hour version of "Magdalena" as well as the original…

Paid in Full

“It is finished!” – John 19:30 NASB These were some of the last words Jesus spoke from the cross at Calvary. His mother, along with John, the disciple whom He loved, stood witnessing His sacrificial suffering for the sins of all mankind. From a mother’s perspective, watching your son beaten, whipped, spit upon, disrespected, and then nailed to a tree, would be like putting your heart through a…

The Last Words of Christ on the Cross

Jesus’s words in Scripture capture who he was and what he was about. His last words spoken on the cross, in the midst of immense suffering, were full of forgiveness, hope, and compassion—perhaps even more so than any other words he spoke on Earth. In Last Words: Seven Sayings from the Heart of Christ on the Cross (New Growth Press/January 27, 2020), Robert J. Nash offers a fresh perspective on…

The Ultimate Love Story: God’s Love at Calvary

If you’re like a lot of people, you may have found yourself doubting God’s love for you at some point in your life. This frequently happens when you’re faced with tough decisions, financial concerns, emotional or physical heartache, or a death of someone close to you. Instead of living in a fog of doubt, why not instead look to I John 4:9-10 for this Scriptural truth: This is how God showed…

The Posture of Prayer

Raising His eyes to heaven, He said, “Father, the hour has come.”—John 17:1 NASB In His hour of crisis, Jesus turned to prayer. It was a personal, intimate prayer filled with emotion. In this sacred moment, He spoke with His Father. He talked about the day and hour, knowing that the time had come for the Father to be glorified. Jesus had accomplished the work for which He had been sent.…